What needs to be changed? Describe the update that is required.
There are currently 4 ways Otel can speak with Prometheus (and I'm not 100% sure I have the terminology right for all of these -- the final list will be correct):
- Otel Collector prometheusexporter for scraping by Prometheus
- Otel Collector prometheusremotewriteexporter for direct push to Prometheus
- Otel native export to Prometheus Otel endpoint
- Prometheus export to Otel
- Possibly collector receivers as well?
The plethora of options is confusing, and it would be useful to have a document detailing all of the possibilities and their pros and cons, as well as a clear recommendation for the "best" way to get data from Otel to Prometheus
What is the name + path of the page that needs changed? The relative path
and page title where you found a problem.
I am not sure of the best place to put this doc -- in the Collector section? Open to suggestions
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