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Deno pages & blog post #6139




This is a follow up to #5962 from @lucacasonato: I commented there that we need to think about, how we want to feature languages like Deno that have a first class implementation of OpenTelemetry, but do not have a SIG within the OpenTelemetry project. Here are a few ideas:

  • First of all, I would like to have a blog post about it, just stating the fact that this exists, otel project is excited about it and maybe a short tutorial how you can make use of it. @lucacasonato: if you ore other Deno contributors are interested in collaborating to write such a blog post, let's chat!
  • Uncontroversial, we should add it to the registry, so people can find it:
  • Then, I'd like to hear and discuss ideas how we can add Deno to our docs, to make people aware that they get first class support by the language developers (with a marker that it is experimental). The first solution that comes to mind is adding a Deno page to Language APIs&SDKs with a few words and then pointing out to the Deno documentation. However, we need to consider that other languages in the future will follow and how open we are to enlarge that list with more and more entries that point out to third parties. We also need to consider, if we want to give the language developers shared code ownership over those pages.

@open-telemetry/governance-committee @open-telemetry/technical-committee @open-telemetry/docs-approvers wdyt?




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