描述一下这个bug / Describe the bug
我云编译了LuatOS-SoC_V1008_ESP32C3 固件 想要测试蓝牙功能, 连接不上去.
复现步骤 / To Reproduce
首先刷入云编译LuatOS-SoC_V1008_ESP32C3 固件和脚本后 能出现蓝牙名称 但是点击连接 蓝牙立马断开(日志没有文字变化), 手机或者电脑列表里的蓝牙名字立马消失了,刷新后又出现了 点击连接又会消失不见(手机电脑测试都会出现这种问题) . 有机率能连上.我测试ESP32-S3 和W801开发板 没有出现这种问题.
如果正常,应该是什么样 / Expected behavior
如果正常 设备连接列表应该会出现开发板蓝牙的名称
截图 / Screenshots
日志 / Logs
[2024-10-11 01:34:59.898] AT+RESET
[2024-10-11 01:34:59.898]
[2024-10-11 01:34:59.898] OK
[2024-10-11 01:34:59.898] I/main LuatOS@ESP32C3 base 23.11 bsp V1008 32bit
[2024-10-11 01:34:59.898] I/main ROM Build: Oct 10 2024 20:15:21
[2024-10-11 01:34:59.898] I/fs script zone as luadb
[2024-10-11 01:34:59.898] D/main loadlibs luavm 73720 13752 13752
[2024-10-11 01:34:59.898] D/main loadlibs sys 167248 57060 57060
[2024-10-11 01:34:59.898] I/user.main bledemo 1.0.0
[2024-10-11 01:35:01.787] D/nimble init name - mode 0
[2024-10-11 01:35:01.833] D/nimble chr 0x31ff flags 8
[2024-10-11 01:35:01.833] D/nimble chr 0x32ff flags 32
[2024-10-11 01:35:01.833] D/nimble chr 0xfff3 flags 16
[2024-10-11 01:35:01.833] I/nimble BLE Host Task Started
[2024-10-11 01:35:01.833] I/nimble Device Address: 4287096E9E9C
[2024-10-11 01:35:01.833] D/nimble BLE name: LOS-4287096E9E9C
[2024-10-11 01:35:01.833] D/nimble ble_gap_adv start rc=0
[2024-10-11 01:35:02.337] I/user.ble mac 4287096E9E9C
PACK包版本 / Version
- 检查过该问题,之前没有人提过 / Check that there isn't already an issue that reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate.
- 提供了最小可复现工程或详细的复现步骤,确保开发者可以复现 / The provided reproduction is a minimal reproducible example of the bug.
- 已经提供了完整的报错信息、日志、截图,没有经过删减。