I'm very intrigued by this tool, and am interested in using it. However, the demo described in the README throws a weird error.
I have a well defined specification that is successfully being used in a variety of OpenAPI tools. The specification is for OpenADR ( If you need to see the spec, it's freely available so long as you register.
This is the output. This output format is rather inscrutable since I have no idea what the actual error is. The only clue I get is that this uses oas-validator
Below, I show a quick zx script I wrote to use oas-validator directly. Below that is the JS object output by oas-validator. The JS object looks like oas-validator thinks it is valid, and the structure it generated looks correct per the spec.
$ npx og -o og-md ../../oadr3.0.1.yaml markdown
Invalid OpenAPI file
Error [AssertionError]: expected 'string' to be 'object'
at (/home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/should/as-function.js:275:17)
at Assertion.value (/home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/should/as-function.js:356:19)
at checkSubSchema (/home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/openapi3-generator/node_modules/oas-validator/index.js:268:28)
at walkSchema (/home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/oas-schema-walker/index.js:53:5)
at walkSchema (/home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/oas-schema-walker/index.js:82:13)
at Object.walkSchema (/home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/oas-schema-walker/index.js:64:9)
at checkSchema (/home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/openapi3-generator/node_modules/oas-validator/index.js:333:8)
at checkContent (/home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/openapi3-generator/node_modules/oas-validator/index.js:381:13)
at checkResponse (/home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/openapi3-generator/node_modules/oas-validator/index.js:570:9)
at checkPathItem (/home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/openapi3-generator/node_modules/oas-validator/index.js:783:21) {
operator: 'to be',
expected: 'object',
showDiff: true,
actual: 'string',
stackStartFunction: [Function: assert],
negate: false,
assertion: <ref *1> Assertion {
obj: 'string',
anyOne: false,
negate: false,
params: {
operator: 'to be',
expected: 'object',
message: undefined,
showDiff: true,
actual: 'string',
stackStartFunction: [Function: assert],
negate: false,
assertion: [Circular *1]
onlyThis: undefined,
light: false
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'basePath')
at module.exports (/home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/openapi3-generator/lib/beautifier.js:132:30)
at /home/david/Projects/openadr/openadr-3-ts-types/node/builder/node_modules/openapi3-generator/lib/generator.js:327:17
I wrote a quick zx script to use oas-validator
import validator from 'oas-validator';
if (!(typeof argv?.input === 'string')) {
throw new Error(`no --input`);
import { promises as fsp } from 'node:fs';
const txt = await fsp.readFile(argv?.input, 'utf-8');
const openapi = YAML.parse(txt);
const options = {};
validator.validate(openapi, options)
// options.valid contains the result of the validation, true in this branch
if (options.context) console.warn('Location',options.context.pop());
And it gave this output:
valid: true,
context: [ '#/' ],
warnings: [],
lintLimit: 5,
lintSkip: [],
operationIds: [
allScopes: {
oAuth2ClientCredentials: {
read_all: 'VENs and BL can read all resources',
write_programs: 'Only BL can write to programs',
write_events: 'Only BL can write to events',
write_reports: 'only VENs can write to reports',
write_subscriptions: 'VENs and BL can write to subscriptions',
write_vens: 'VENS and BL can write to vens and resources'
openapi: {
openapi: '3.0.0',
servers: [ [Object] ],
info: {
title: 'OpenADR 3 API',
version: '3.0.1',
description: 'The OpenADR 3 API supports energy retailer to energy customer Demand Response programs.\n' +
'See OpenADR 3 User Guide and Defintions for detailed descriptions of usage.\n' +
'The API includes the following capabilities and operations:\n' +
'\n' +
'__Manage programs:__\n' +
'\n' +
'* Create/Update/Delete a program\n' +
'* Search programs\n' +
'\n' +
'__Manage events:__\n' +
'\n' +
'* Create/Update/Delete an event\n' +
'* Search events\n' +
'\n' +
'__Manage reports:__\n' +
'\n' +
'* Create/Update/Delete a report\n' +
'* Search reports\n' +
'\n' +
'__Manage subscriptions:__\n' +
'\n' +
'* Create/Update/Delete subscriptions to programs, events, and reports\n' +
'* Search subscriptions\n' +
'* Subscriptions allows clients to register a callback URL (webhook) to be notified\n' +
' on the change of state of a resource\n' +
'\n' +
'__Manage vens:__\n' +
'\n' +
'* Create/Update/Delete vens and ven resources\n' +
'* Search ven and ven resources\n' +
'\n' +
'__Manage tokens:__\n' +
'\n' +
'* Obtain an access token\n' +
'* This endpoint is provided as a convenience and may be neglected in a commercial implementation\n',
contact: [Object],
license: [Object]
paths: {
'/programs': [Object],
'/programs/{programID}': [Object],
'/reports': [Object],
'/reports/{reportID}': [Object],
'/events': [Object],
'/events/{eventID}': [Object],
'/subscriptions': [Object],
'/subscriptions/{subscriptionID}': [Object],
'/vens': [Object],
'/vens/{venID}': [Object],
'/vens/{venID}/resources': [Object],
'/vens/{venID}/resources/{resourceID}': [Object],
'/auth/token': [Object]
components: { schemas: [Object], securitySchemes: [Object] }
cache: {},
metadata: { lines: -1, count: {} },
fetch: <ref *1> [Function: fetch] {
isRedirect: [Function (anonymous)],
Promise: [Function: Promise],
default: [Circular *1],
Headers: [class Headers],
Request: [class Request],
Response: [class Response],
FetchError: [Function: FetchError]
externals: [],
externalRefs: {},
rewriteRefs: true,
resolver: { depth: 0, base: undefined, actions: [ [] ] },
isCallback: false