diff --git a/docs/modules/analysis/multiSpecies/microbiomeModelingToolbox/mgPipe/index.html b/docs/modules/analysis/multiSpecies/microbiomeModelingToolbox/mgPipe/index.html index 6ccd5baf07..2c66425ef8 100644 --- a/docs/modules/analysis/multiSpecies/microbiomeModelingToolbox/mgPipe/index.html +++ b/docs/modules/analysis/multiSpecies/microbiomeModelingToolbox/mgPipe/index.html @@ -757,7 +757,7 @@
mgPipe is a MATLAB based pipeline to integrate microbial abundances (coming from metagenomic data) with constraint based modeling, creating individuals’ personalized models. @@ -770,7 +770,7 @@
[netSecretionFluxes, netUptakeFluxes, Y, modelStats, summary, statistics, modelsOK] = mgPipe (modPath, abunFilePath, computeProfiles, resPath, dietFilePath, infoFilePath, biomasses, hostPath, hostBiomassRxn, hostBiomassRxnFlux, figForm, numWorkers, rDiet, pDiet, lowerBMBound, upperBMBound, includeHumanMets, adaptMedium, pruneModels)
+[netSecretionFluxes, netUptakeFluxes, Y, modelStats, summary, statistics, modelsOK] = mgPipe (modPath, abunFilePath, computeProfiles, resPath, dietFilePath, infoFilePath, biomasses, hostPath, hostBiomassRxn, hostBiomassRxnFlux, figForm, numWorkers, rDiet, pDiet, lowerBMBound, upperBMBound, includeHumanMets, adaptMedium, pruneModels, solver)
pruneModels – boolean indicating whether reactions that do not carry flux on the input diet should be removed from the microbe models. Recommended for large datasets (default: false)
solver – char with the solver that will be used in microbiotamodelsimulator +If glpk, it will increase to model solve time to hours instead of seconds (default ‘’)
[exchanges, netProduction, netUptake, growthRates, infeasModels] = microbiotaModelSimulator (resPath, exMets, sampNames, dietFilePath, hostPath, hostBiomassRxn, hostBiomassRxnFlux, numWorkers, rDiet, pDiet, computeProfiles, lowerBMBound, upperBMBound, includeHumanMets, adaptMedium)
+[exchanges, netProduction, netUptake, growthRates, infeasModels] = microbiotaModelSimulator (resPath, exMets, sampNames, dietFilePath, hostPath, hostBiomassRxn, hostBiomassRxnFlux, numWorkers, rDiet, pDiet, computeProfiles, lowerBMBound, upperBMBound, includeHumanMets, adaptMedium, solver)
adaptMedium – boolean indicating if the medium should be adapted through the adaptVMHDietToAGORA function or used as is (default=true)
solver – char with the solver that will be used in microbiotamodelsimulator +If glpk, it will increase to model solve time to hours instead of seconds (default ‘’)