When I run:
[reconVersion,refinedFolder,translatedDraftsFolder,summaryFolder] = runPipeline(draftFolder, 'infoFilePath', infoFilePath, 'inputDataFolder', inputDataFolder,'numWorkers', numWorkers, 'reconVersion', reconVersion);
The error is as follows:
Combining metabolite lists: Error using solveCobraLP (line 899)
Gurobi error 10010: Model too large for size-limited license; visit for a full license
Error in optimizeCbModel (line 380)
solution = solveCobraLP(optProblem);
Error in untargetedGapFilling (line 119)
FBA2 = optimizeCbModel(modelExpanded);
Error in runGapfillingFunctions (line 65)
model = untargetedGapFilling(model,osenseStr,database,1,1);
Error in refinementPipeline (line 126)
[model,condGF,targetGF,relaxGF] = runGapfillingFunctions(model,biomassReaction, biomassReaction,'max',database);
Error in runPipeline (line 187)
parfor j=i:i+endPnt
I only entered 50 sbml, but he also said the Model was too large,, what is the reason for this?
Thank you for your reply!
With best wishes!