Error using optimizeCardinality
mosek not working with optCard -TODO debug with testOptimizeCbModel
Error in minCardinalityConservationRelaxationVector (line 112)
solutionRelax = optimizeCardinality(cardProblem,param);
Error in findStoichConsistentSubset (line 324)
[relaxRxnBool,solutionRelax] = minCardinalityConservationRelaxationVector(model.S(boolMet,boolRxn),minCardRelaxParams,printLevel-1);
Error in XomicsToModel (line 796)
[~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, model, stoichConsistModel] = findStoichConsistentSubset(model, ...
Error in XomicsToMultipleModels (line 380)
[omicsModel, modelGenerationReport] = XomicsToModel(genericModel, specificData, param);
Error in driver_createMultipleIDNModels (line 163)
directoriesWithModels = XomicsToMultipleModels(modelGenerationConditions, param);
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- Tried to solve the issue on my own
- Retried to run my code with the latest version of The COBRA Toolbox
- Checked that a similar issue has not already been opened
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