When I run the initCobraToolbox command, I receive the following warning:
Warning: Directory access failed: D:\matlab 2017b\toolbox\cobratoolbox-master\cobratoolbox-master\src\analysis\thermo\vonbertalanffy\initVonBertalanffy.m
In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 94)
In initCobraToolbox (line 698)
I have checked the directory, and the specified file does exist. However, I am uncertain if there are any permission issues or if I need to adjust the MATLAB path settings. I have also ensured that I am using a compatible version of the COBRA Toolbox with MATLAB 2017b.
I hereby confirm that I have:
- Tried to solve the issue on my own
- Retried to run my code with the latest version of The COBRA Toolbox
- Checked that a similar issue has not already been opened
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