Expected behaviour
detectMarkers should run in the same time every time (on the same input)
Here's the output with an older version of opencv-python (OpenCV
iteration 0 took 0.5849573612213135 seconds. Total process memory: 106,168,320
iteration 1 took 0.5812480449676514 seconds. Total process memory: 107,143,168
iteration 2 took 0.5951583385467529 seconds. Total process memory: 107,868,160
iteration 3 took 0.601895809173584 seconds. Total process memory: 108,466,176
iteration 4 took 0.5014839172363281 seconds. Total process memory: 228,802,560
iteration 5 took 0.5855703353881836 seconds. Total process memory: 109,469,696
iteration 6 took 0.5641584396362305 seconds. Total process memory: 257,597,440
iteration 7 took 0.5695486068725586 seconds. Total process memory: 263,557,120
iteration 8 took 0.592726469039917 seconds. Total process memory: 110,755,840
iteration 9 took 0.5882177352905273 seconds. Total process memory: 298,942,464
iteration 10 took 0.47766566276550293 seconds. Total process memory: 314,290,176
Actual behaviour
Running detectMarkers over and over takes longer every time and memory is increasing in a severe manner.
Here's the output with the most recent version:
iteration 0 took 2.370551586151123 seconds. Total process memory: 123,441,152
iteration 1 took 3.1970834732055664 seconds. Total process memory: 131,985,408
iteration 2 took 3.3649799823760986 seconds. Total process memory: 136,482,816
iteration 3 took 3.5040178298950195 seconds. Total process memory: 1,671,176,192
iteration 4 took 4.196935415267944 seconds. Total process memory: 145,444,864
iteration 5 took 4.476127862930298 seconds. Total process memory: 2,117,165,056
iteration 6 took 5.6765806674957275 seconds. Total process memory: 2,338,840,576
iteration 7 took 7.461204767227173 seconds. Total process memory: 158,998,528
iteration 8 took 7.712129831314087 seconds. Total process memory: 2,753,626,112
iteration 9 took 8.872538089752197 seconds. Total process memory: 2,983,907,328
iteration 10 took 9.44568419456482 seconds. Total process memory: 168,304,640
Steps to reproduce
import cv2
import psutil
import time
params = cv2.aruco.DetectorParameters()
aruco_dict = cv2.aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(0)
detector = cv2.aruco.ArucoDetector(aruco_dict, params)
process = psutil.Process()
img = cv2.imread('noisy.jpg')
for i in range(100):
b = time.time()
print(f'iteration {i} took {time.time()-b} seconds. Total process memory: {process.memory_info().rss:,}') # in bytes
- operating system: Windows 11 Home 24H2
- architecture (e.g. x86): x64
- opencv-python version OpenCV on Python 3.11.9
Issue submission checklist
Not sure if this issue should go here or on the OpenCV repository. I posted the bug in both.
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