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Usage and Deployment


Before installing the LocalPV-LVM driver please make sure your Kubernetes Cluster meets the following prerequisites:

  1. All the nodes must have LVM2 utils package installed
  2. All the nodes must have dm-snapshot Kernel Module loaded - (Device Mapper Snapshot)


Find the disk which you want to use for the LocalPV-LVM.

Note: For testing you can use a loopback device:

truncate -s 1024G /tmp/disk.img
sudo losetup -f /tmp/disk.img --show


  • LocalPV-LVM will not provision the VG for the user
  • The required Physical Volumes(PV) and Volume Group(VG) names will need to be created and present beforehand.

Create the Volume group on all the nodes, which will be used by the LVM2 Driver for provisioning the volumes

sudo pvcreate /dev/loop0
sudo vgcreate lvmvg /dev/loop0       ## here lvmvg is the volume group name to be created


Install the latest release of OpenEBS LVM2 LocalPV-LVM driver by running the following command. Note: All nodes must be running the same version of LocalPV-LVM, LMV2, device-mapper & dm-snapshot.

NOTE: Installation using operator YAMLs is not the supported way any longer.
We can install the latest release of OpenEBS LVM driver by running the following command:

helm repo add openebs
helm repo update
helm install openebs --namespace openebs openebs/openebs --create-namespace

NOTE: If you are running a custom Kubelet location, or a Kubernetes distribution that uses a custom Kubelet location, the kubelet directory must be changed on the helm values at install-time using the flag option --set lvm-localpv.lvmNode.kubeletDir=<your-directory-path> in the helm install command.

  • microk8s now symlinks /var/lib/kubelet/ to its custom directory, so setting the custom value is likely unnecessary. However, you can still replace /var/lib/kubelet/ with /var/snap/microk8s/common/var/lib/kubelet/ if desired.
  • For k0s, the default directory (/var/lib/kubelet) should be changed to /var/lib/k0s/kubelet.
  • For RancherOS, the default directory (/var/lib/kubelet) should be changed to /opt/rke/var/lib/kubelet.

Verify that the LVM driver Components are installed and running using below command. Depending on number of nodes, you will see one lvm-controller pod and lvm-node daemonset running on the nodes :

$ kubectl get pods -n openebs -l role=openebs-lvm
NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
openebs-lvm-localpv-controller-7b6d6b4665-fk78q   5/5     Running   0          11m
openebs-lvm-localpv-node-mcch4                    2/2     Running   0          11m
openebs-lvm-localpv-node-pdt88                    2/2     Running   0          11m
openebs-lvm-localpv-node-r9jn2                    2/2     Running   0          11m

Once LVM driver is installed and running we can provision a volume.


1. Create a Storage class

$ cat sc.yaml

kind: StorageClass
  name: openebs-lvmpv
  storage: "lvm"
  volgroup: "lvmvg"

Check the doc on storageclasses to know all the supported parameters for LocalPV-LVM

VolumeGroup Availability

If LVM volume group is available on certain nodes only, then make use of topology to tell the list of nodes where we have the volgroup available. As shown in the below storage class, we can use allowedTopologies to describe volume group availability on nodes.

kind: StorageClass
  name: openebs-lvmpv
allowVolumeExpansion: true
  storage: "lvm"
  volgroup: "lvmvg"
- matchLabelExpressions:
  - key:
      - lvmpv-node1
      - lvmpv-node2

The above storage class tells that volume group "lvmvg" is available on nodes lvmpv-node1 and lvmpv-node2 only. The LVM driver will create volumes on those nodes only.

Please note that the provisioner name for LVM driver is "", we have to use this while creating the storage class so that the volume provisioning/deprovisioning request can come to LVM driver.

2. Create the PVC

$ cat pvc.yaml

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: csi-lvmpv
  storageClassName: openebs-lvmpv
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 4Gi

Create a PVC using the storage class created for the LVM driver.

3. Deploy the application

Create the deployment yaml using the pvc backed by LVM storage.

$ cat fio.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: fio
  restartPolicy: Never
  - name: perfrunner
    image: openebs/tests-fio
    command: ["/bin/bash"]
    args: ["-c", "while true ;do sleep 50; done"]
       - mountPath: /datadir
         name: fio-vol
    tty: true
  - name: fio-vol
      claimName: csi-lvmpv

After the deployment of the application, we can go to the node and see that the lvm volume is being used by the application for reading/writing the data and space is consumed from the LVM. Please note that to check the provisioned volumes on the node, we need to run pvscan --cache command to update the lvm cache and then we can use lvdisplay and all other lvm commands on the node.

4. Deprovisioning

for deprovisioning the volume we can delete the application which is using the volume and then we can go ahead and delete the pv, as part of deletion of pv this volume will also be deleted from the volume group and data will be freed.

$ kubectl delete -f fio.yaml
pod "fio" deleted
$ kubectl delete -f pvc.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim "csi-lvmpv" deleted