title | date | status | author |
OpenEMR Foundation Board Meeting Minutes |
2023-08-09 |
Approved at September 13, 2023 meeting |
Brady Miller |
A board meeting of OpenEMR Foundation, was held virtually, on August 9, 2023. The meeting convened at 21:07 Eastern Daylight Time, Stephen Waite, presiding, and Brady Miller, secretary. A quorum of members was present to conduct business.
Chawla, Jit; Vice President - absent- Densmore-Lynn, Asher - present
Down, Robert - absent- Ellison, Rachel - present
- Gaddis, Sherwin - present
- Miller, Brady; Secretary, Executive Director - present
- Waite, Stephen; President, Treasurer - present
- Guests
- Brent Boecking
- Stephen Nielson
- Brad Sharp
- MOTION brought by Stephen Waite, to approve and then seconded by Asher Densmore-Lynn July 12, 2023 Board Meeting minutes, carried.
- Plan patch 2 soon
- Brent Boecking discussed goal to integrate OpenEMR with zocdoc at prior board meeting. Brent is currently in discussion with zocdoc.
- Discussed potential mechanisms for OpenEMR usage tracking.
- Plan to request registration email after each patch/upgrade if user has previously opted out.
- Plan a opt in option to allow tracking of use/features.
- Pursuing DORN
- Recently paid annual charge ($3250)
- Need to support and attest to b10 over next several months (will request cost of this from SLI)
- Real World Testing coming up soon
- Sphere payment processing
- Github sponsors
- Discussed option of mandatory monthly payments to OpenEMR project in order to be listed on the Professional Support page. Also discussed option of separate professional support tiers that would ordered by payments (ie. $100 per month, $50 per month, $20 per month).
- New logos discussed and presented by Robert at a previous meeting. To finalize decision at future meeting.
- Discussed. Plan to consider paying/funding in future.
- The next Monthly OpenEMR Foundation Board meeting will be held on September 13, 2023.
- Meeting adjourned at 21:57 Eastern Daylight Time by Stephen Waite.