What would it take for us to be able to support a different project file name for a C# template for instance?
Frank P @fpommerening from Germany reported that two templates in a Visual Studio project you end up with Function.csproj twice in the UI and that this is confusing - even more so when you have 4-5 functions.
+ Function
- Handler.cs
+ Function
- Handler.cs
What do we think?
How could we allow a custom project name without breaking the simplicity of our templating system in the faas-cli?
This would also apply for things like an interpreted language where there is no project file - just a raw handler. If you're editing 10x Node functions in Atom for instance you'll see:
Lastly - this is just to promote discussion and look at the options. I want us to look at it since we've had user feedback, but it doesn't mean that the CLI is broken or that it's not possible to be productive.