I would like to be able to use helm or arkade to set an IP address to the external gateway service. This way, I can maintain my existing metallb setup and lessen the amount of yaml files I'm having to apply. Along these same lines, I'd like to set a port beyond the default 8080, and have port 80 forward to 8080 on the gateway service.
Expected Behaviour
I would like to see some new helm values added, gatewayExternal.loadBalancerIP and gatewayExternal.port. These would then override the default behavior if set.
Current Behaviour
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List All Possible Solutions and Workarounds
Add a couple of new helm chart values .Values.gatewayExternal.loadBalancerIP and .Values.gatewayExternal.port. Then use these in the gateway-external-svc.yaml template file.
One workaround is to set the value of exposeServices=false and create a custom load balancer service to expose a specific port on a particular LoadBalancerIP.
Which Solution Do You Recommend?
Add a couple of new helm chart values .Values.gatewayExternal.loadBalancerIP and .Values.gatewayExternal.port. Then use these in the gateway-external-svc.yaml template file.
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
I am trying to set a specific IP address and port using metallb. I'm currently working around it, but it would be great to be able to use arkade or helm to set it all up independently of creating a separate resource to handle it.
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