I would like to see support for Linux/ppc64le architecture in OpenFaaS.
What I saw till now it should be quite easy task. I didn't test it, but compilation of almost everything went without any problems. I plan to try out what I compiled till now this or next week.
Expected Behaviour
OpenFaaS works on Linux/ppc64le
Current Behaviour
OpenFaaS doesn't work on Linux/ppc64le
Your Environment
My test environments are IBM Cloud Private 3.2.0 Community Edition on one OpenPOWER server and IBM Cloud Private 3.2.0 Enterprise Edition on IBM Power.
Docker version
docker version
(e.g. Docker 17.0.05 ):
18.06 -
Are you using Docker Swarm or Kubernetes (FaaS-netes)?
Kubernetes -
Operating System and version (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS):
RHEL 7/ppc64le
Next steps