This issue is a feature request asking to add a catch-all capability to the static mode.
The static server should redirect every possible url pointed to the function to the root path.
Example: http:
-> http:
In Nginx, this is accomplished with the try_files
Current Behaviour
Currently, requesting any function subpath, i.e http:
, will return a 404 error.
This capability is mandatory in the context of Single Page Applications, like React.js apps.
Using Hash History
adding #
in the URL brings other issues and is not a valid solution for professional modern web applications.
A Single Page Application technically only have a single index.html, and a server should redirect every possible url pointed to the domain at this index.html located at the root.
In Nginx, we implement a catch-all rule for SPA like so:
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ index.html;
Link to your project or a code example to reproduce issue
Minimal React.js Single Page Application packaged for OpenFaaS with the dockerfile template and the watchdog in static mode: