The problem
When creating a new Modbus serial slave Thing in the MainUI GUI it takes very long time (~4mins) before I can start editing the details for the slave. The image below shows the window when creating a new Modbus serial slave Thing. I have reproduced this problem with two Windows PCs. 2nd openHAB installation is a fresh installation. The problem occurs with different web browsers (Firefix, Opera, MS Edge)
After ~4mins the actual page opens up and you can start editing the details for the slave:
Expected behavior
The page for a new modbus serial slave should open up very quickly.
Steps to reproduce
- Install Modbus binding
- In the Settings, click on Things
- Click on New Thing (blue + at the bottom right-hand corner
- Choose Modbus Binding
- Click on Modbus Serial Slave
Your environment
version: 3.2.0
buildString: Release Build
locale: en-US
configFolder: C:\openHAB\conf
userdataFolder: C:\openHAB\userdata
logFolder: C:\openHAB\userdata\logs
javaVersion: 11.0.13
javaVendor: Azul Systems, Inc.
javaVendorVersion: Zulu11.52+13-CA
osName: Windows 10
osVersion: "10.0"
osArchitecture: amd64
availableProcessors: 16
freeMemory: 216404672
totalMemory: 387973120
- modbus
ios: false
android: false
androidChrome: false
desktop: true
iphone: false
ipod: false
ipad: false
edge: false
ie: false
firefox: true
macos: false
windows: true
cordova: false
phonegap: false
electron: false
nwjs: false
webView: false
webview: false
standalone: false
os: windows
pixelRatio: 1
prefersColorScheme: light
isSecureContext: false
locationbarVisible: true
menubarVisible: true
cookieEnabled: true
deviceMemory: N/A
hardwareConcurrency: 16
language: en-US
languages:- en-US
- en
onLine: true
platform: Win32
width: 1920
height: 1200
colorDepth: 24
touch: false
pointerEvents: true
observer: true
passiveListener: true
gestures: false
intersectionObserver: true
dark: light
filled: true
pageTransitionAnimation: default
bars: filled
homeNavbar: default
homeBackground: default
expandableCardAnimation: default
userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101
timestamp: 2022-02-06T04:44:47.366Z