> = subsection
- = menu entry
[] = paragraph
? = need to decide where to put
* = somewhere on page
> What is openpipelines
> View workflows -> link naar workflows
> Getting started
[ Installing viash and nextflow
+ Running full pipeline ]
- Which workflow is right for me? (=usecases)
- Running a pipeline/component
> nf-tower
[sending to nf-tower from cli and adding workflows to nf-tower]
> cli
- Troubleshooting
- Data API
[ Anndata and MuData objects ]
- Releases
WORKFLOWS -> item for every workflow (but not in menu)
Structure still to decide, but must contain:
* Tag voor de workflows
* Statistics (download, ...)
* Link to sourcecode
> Introduction
> Example input/output -> from test-data? (hosted on s3?)
> Input
> Output
> RUN from nf-tower
> RUN from cli
> Workflow diagram of components + basis input and output information
COMPONENTS -> item voor every component (but not in menu)
Structure still to decide, but must contain:
* Tags voor iedere component
* Statistics (download, ...)
* Link to sourcecode
> Introduction
> Example input/output -> from test-data? (hosted on s3?)
> Component input (type, description, )
> Component output
> Run from CLI
[ files on s3 ]
> RUN from nf-tower
[ files on s3 ]
> In which workflows is this component being used?
- Getting started
> Forking and cloning the code
> Development options ()
> Project structure
- Creating a component
> From script to component
> Configuring containers
> Writing tests (viashpy)
- Creating a workflow
> Using workflowhelpers/utilities (including params_list)
> Inputs for multiple files
> Writing tests
- Testing
> Github Actions
> NF-tower
- Publishing your changes
> Branching stratefgy
> Creating a pull request
> Updating your pull request
- Code of conduct
? Creating a new release
- Code style
- Debugging workflows
[intermitend issues --> hyperfine]
- Design decisions
- Openpipelines
- Viash
- Nextflow
- Team/Authors
- Code of conduct