Is your feature request related to a problem?
When trying to build a client using json files, when deserialising the settings, I get the error
Missing required property 'Builder.<variant kind>'
This is an example of a settings that will fail:
{ "index": { "analysis": { "analyzer": { "english_analyzer": { "type": "english", "char_filter": [ "html_strip" ], "tokenizer": "standard" } } } } }
The problem is that Analyzer.Kind does not support most languages. Actually only Dutch is listed in the enum.
Analyzer source code
The problem is that
Not able to build the client using analyzers type for languages other than Dutch
What solution would you like?
Add all other languages listed here
What alternatives have you considered?
Using a different client.
Do you have any additional context?
All the necessary info is already mentioned above.
here is a sample test that will fail with org.opensearch.client.util.MissingRequiredPropertyException: Missing required property Builder.<variant kind>
public void testParsingAnalyzer() {
JsonpMapper mapper = new JsonbJsonpMapper();
String json = "{ \"index\": { \"analysis\": { \"analyzer\": { \"some_analyzer\": { \"type\": \"english\", \"char_filter\": [ \"html_strip\" ], \"tokenizer\": \"standard\" } } } } } ";
JsonParser parser = mapper.jsonProvider().createParser(new StringReader(json));
IndexSettings indexSettings = IndexSettings._DESERIALIZER.deserialize(parser, mapper);