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Jobs Form: Add a form field for OSS projects to paste a link to their active License for their projects  #458



@Erioldoesdesign (the public form page) (The code that needs changing)

So if an OSS project doesn't have a 'easy' to access License or License's (if a project has multiple licenses to address different 'types' of work) then we reject the PR for a job posting - it's become a sort of unofficial criteria for a job post - There are some exceptions where a project might not have a license or an appropriate license for the type of content may not exist. These project can be approved by having a conversation with OSD maintainers to assure them they are following open source principles.

I'd like to suggest we add a mandatory (so with the *) free text field to the job form specifically asking for the job poster to share any public license documents there so we can review and approve. These can be text files in repos or they can be webpage etc. we should be careful not to discriminate towards a repo license.

Suggested copy:

Form label: Project License/s *
Form help text: Project must have some kind of open source license publicly viewable to be accepted. You can share any kind of document e.g. link to the license in your public repo, a webpage, an online cloud document etc. We want to be sure that you are following open source principles.
(Large free text box)
Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 13 28 32

I think the help wording could be improved but that's my best go right now at wording 😄




JobsAn issue related to the Job board repo and/or design of contentenhancementAn issue that improves in some way the open source design wesbsitegood first issueSmall tasks with clear documentation about how and in which place you need to fix things in.jekyllIssues that improve/fix the Jekyll code


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