User Story
As a Bron user with active alerts,
I want the ability to edit or delete my alerts from a simple management interface,
so that I can maintain control over my alert and keep them relevant.
Acceptance Criteria
- The app should provide a dedicated management interface for users to view, edit, and delete their alerts.
- Users should be able to access the management interface from the main menu or from a link that is provided in each alert email.
- In the management interface, users should see a list of their active alerts, including the search query, delivery method (email or RSS), and data sources.
- Users should have the option to edit an alert, allowing them to modify the search criteria, sources or delivery method.
- Users should have the option to delete an alert, which will remove it from the list of active alerts and stop further notifications.
- The management interface should be user-friendly, with clear navigation and easy-to-understand options for editing and deleting alerts.
- Users should receive confirmation prompts or messages when they perform actions like editing or deleting alerts.
- Users should be able to manage their alerts securely, and user data should be protected.
Additional Information
- Design and implement the alert management interface with the specified features.
- Integrate user authentication and data protection measures for secure management.
- Develop clear confirmation prompts and messages for user interactions.
- Ensure that the management interface is easily accessible from the product's main user menu interface and and alert alert emails. emails.
- Conduct usability testing to confirm the user-friendliness of the management interface.
Development 🐝