User Story
As a Bron user,
I want to access and search through completed Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and their attached documents published by governments (in Dutch: "Woo-besluiten"),
so that I can access valuable information and insights obtained through FOI requests and enhance my research and understanding of government activities.
Acceptance Criteria
- The "Woo-besluiten" data source should be integrated into the product's search functionality, alongside existing data sources.
- Users should be able to search for FOI requests and related documents within the "Woo-besluiten" data source.
- Search results from the "Woo-besluiten" data source should be presented in a clear and user-friendly manner.
- Users should be able to view detailed information about each FOI request, including request details, government entities involved, and related documents.
- The "Woo-besluiten" data source should be available as a filter under the "more options" (in Dutch: "meer opties") section.
- The data source should be regularly updated (daily?) to ensure the latest FOI requests and documents are available.
- Search results should provide a link to the original FOI source.
Additional Information
- Possible data sources: Woogle,, Woo-index.
- Research different data sources and their structures to determine their suitability for Bron.
- Research methods for implementing the data sources into Bron.
- Test data quality and search performance.
- Design and implement the user interface for searching and viewing FOI requests from "Woo-besluiten."
Testing 🐳