We have recently upgraded our OpenVino version from 2021.2 to 2022.2. We are running the Python demo of multi_camera_multi_target_tracking_demo installed using Ubuntu* 20.04 long-term support (LTS), using WSL
Our command line: python -i ./Data/filename.mp4 --config ./configs/ -m "./intel/person-detection-retail-0013/FP32/person-detection-retail-0013.xml" --m_reid "./intel/person-reidentification-retail-0286/FP32/person-reidentification-retail-0286.xml"
We observe the following:
- What is most worrying is that the performance of the tracker is degraded - mostly by getting less tracks since many more tracks are merged. After investigating this issue - I found a problematic area but I haven't managed to figure it out. In the file mc_tracker in function _compute_detections_assignment_cost line 526 the cluster distance is calculated : reid_dist_clust = clusters_vec_distance(self.tracks[idx].f_clust, features[j]) I have found that this value (in the latest version) is sometimes 0.0. This I found is caused by a cluster being updated to the exact embedding of the current frame (therefore obtaining an exact 0.0 distance) but I can't figure out how the cluster can be updated in that same frame.
- If we run the command line we get the message:
FATAL: exception not rethrown
If we add "--history_file "./Data/filename_b.json" this message disappears.
This is really important to us since we created a solution based on this code base.
Adding our test clip: