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Configuration of webwork2

Do not directly modify any of the files in the initial git clone of webwork2. If a filename contains .dist then the file is intended to be copied to a file by the same name without .dist and the copy modified as needed. Specific instructions are given below. If a filename does contain .dist then it should not be modified. If changes are made to .dist files, then the modifications will be lost or cause conflict when webwork2 is upgraded.

Configuration files for webwork2

Basic webwork2 configuration files.

  • site.conf.dist should be copied to site.conf, and contains global variables required for basic server configuration. This file is read first in the initialization sequence.
  • defaults.config contains initial settings for many customizable options in WeBWorK. This file is read second in the initialization sequence. This file should not be changed
  • localOverrides.conf.dist should be copied to localOverrides.conf. localOverrides.conf will be read after the defaults.config file is processed and will overwrite configurations in defaults.config. Use this file to make changes to the settings in defaults.config.

Configuration extension files.

  • authen_LTI.conf.dist should be copied to authen_LTI.conf if you want to allow LTI authentication into webwork2 from an LMS.
  • LTIConfigVariables.config includes some additional variables used by authen_LTI.conf and is included by that file.
  • authen_CAS.conf.dist should be copied to authen_CAS.conf to configure CAS authentication.
  • authen_ldap.conf.dist should be copied to authen_ldap.conf to configure LDAP authentication.

Server configuration files.

  • webwork2.mojolicious.dist.yml contains the webwork2 Mojolicious app configuration settings. Copy this file to webwork2.mojolicious.yml if you need to change those settings. You usually will need to do this. This file contains server settings, database settings and paths to external programs.
  • webwork2.dist.service is a systemd configuration file for linux systems that serves the webwork2 app via the Mojolicious hypnotoad server. If you need to change it, then copy it to webwork2.service.
  • webwork2-job-queue.dist.service is a systemd configuration file for linux systems that runs the webwork2 job queue via Minion. If you need to change it, then copy it to webwork2-job-queue.service.
  • webwork2.apache2.4.dist.conf is only used if you proxy hypnotoad via apache2. Copy this to webwork2.apache2.4.conf if any changes need to be made.
  • webwork2.nginx.dist.conf is only used if you proxy hypnotoad via nginx. Copy this to webwork2.nginx.conf if any changes need to be made.

Initial configururation of webwork2

  • Copy site.conf.dist to site.conf and localOverrides.conf.dist to localOverrides.conf, and adjust the variables in site.conf as needed. In particular you will need to set $server_root_url to the server name, and set $database_password to the password for the database.
  • Adjust the variables in localOverrides.conf to customize your server for your needs.
  • Copy any of the other .dist files and adjust the variables in them as needed. Note that those files will need to be included by the localOverrides.conf file.

Configuration of webwork2 when upgrading

Examine the differences between your copies of the .dist files and the corresponding .dist files, and adjust your copies as needed for changes to the variables that have been made. It is helpful to view a side-by-side diff of your copy to the corresponding .dist file for this.

Running webwork2 for development

There are two important settings that you may need to change in site.conf

  • make sure that $server_root_url is set to http://localhost:3000.
  • make sure that $pg_dir is set to the top of your pg directory.

After any other changes in the initial configuration of webwork2 you are ready to run webwork2 for development. To do so from the webwork2 directory execute the following


Note that if you have permissions set for standard production use, then you may need to run this script as the server user. You can do this on Ubuntu/Debian systems or MacOS with

sudo -u www-data ./bin/dev_scripts/webwork2-morbo

Use the server user on your system instead of "www-data" if it is different.

You can now open your browser to http://localhost:3000/webwork2.

For development and testing of the webwork2 job queue additionally execute the following.

./bin/webwork2 minion worker

Note that this needs to be run by the same user as the webwork2 app. Both need to have read and write access to the SQLite database file that is used for the job queue.

Additionally note that the Minion worker does not hot reload. You must manually restart the worker to reload with changes to the task modules.

Direct deployment of webwork2 for production via hypnotoad

This is the simplest way to deploy webwork2 for production. Note that you should only use this if your server is dedicated to only serving webwork2. In addition this may not work in some other cases. For instance, it may not work with Shibboleth authentication.

First set up the webwork2 Mojolicious app:

  • Copy webwork2.mojolicious.dist.yml to webwork2.mojolicious.yml.
  • Change server_user and server_group to the appropriate values for your system. On Ubuntu appropriate values are www-data for both.
  • To run the server without SSL certificates change listen in the hypnotoad section at the end of the file to - http://*:80. This is not recommended for production use.
  • To use SSL certificates change listen in the hypnotoad section to - https://*:443?cert=/path/to/fullchain.pem&key=/path/to/privkey.pem.
  • Change proxy: 1 to proxy: 0 or comment out that line.
  • You may also want to adjust the other settings in the file. The server_root_url_redirect setting may be useful.
  • Instead of using that setting, you can also copy htdocs/index.dist.html to htdocs/index.html and that will be the server front page.
  • Install the Perl module Mojolicious::Plugin::SetUserGroup.

The Mojolicious hypnotoad server will be started by the root user and the user and group will be switched to what is set for server_user and server_group after the app starts. It is not advisable to run the Mojolicious hypnotoad server as a user that can directly login to the server. On Ubuntu systems you can use the www-data user that is already available. If a user is needed you can create the user webwork, for example, with sudo useradd -M webwork. Make sure that the user has read access to the SSL certificates given in the configuration above if using certificates. Usually the user and group will be the same.

Then set up the systemd service:

  • Copy webwork2.dist.service to webwork2.service.
  • Comment out the User, Group, and Environment settings in the copy.
  • To enable and start the service, execute
sudo systemctl enable /opt/webwork/webwork2/conf/webwork2.service
sudo systemctl start webwork2

You should now be able to open your browser to or

Deployment of webwork2 via hypnotoad proxied by apache2

This is a more versatile deployment approach. It allows you to use urls not consumed by webwork2 for other purposes.

First install and configure apache2. This is not covered in this document.

Then set up the webwork2 Mojolicious app:

  • Copy webwork2.mojolicious.dist.yml to webwork2.mojolicious.yml if you want to modify settings in that file.
  • Copy webwork2.apache2.4.dist.conf to webwork2.apache2.4.conf.
  • Change the X-Forwarded-Proto to http if you do not have SSL certificates.
  • Execute the following from the /opt/webwork/webwork directory to enable the webwork2 apache configuration:
sudo ln -s $PWD/conf/webwork2.apache2.4.conf /etc/conf-enabled/webwork2.conf
sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_http
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Now set up the systemd service:

  • Copy webwork2.dist.service to webwork2.service.
  • Execute the following to enable and start the service:
sudo systemctl enable /opt/webwork/webwork2/conf/webwork2.service
sudo systemctl start webwork2

Deployment of webwork2 via hypnotoad proxied by nginx

This is a more versatile deployment approach. It allows you to use urls not consumed by webwork2 for other purposes.

First install and configure nginx. This is not covered in this document.

Then set up the webwork2 Mojolicious app:

  • Copy webwork2.mojolicious.dist.yml to webwork2.mojolicious.yml if you want to modify settings in that file.
  • Copy webwork2.nginx.dist.conf to webwork2.nginx.conf if you want to modify any settings. This will setup a reverse proxy for all webwork2 paths to proxy to the hypnotoad server. Usually this file will not need to be modified. You could even use the .dist file directly in most cases.
  • Edit your nginx server configuration file (this may be in /etc/nginx/conf.d or /etc/nginx/sites-available) and add the line include /opt/webwork/webwork2/conf/webwork2.nginx.conf; to the end of the server section in that file.
  • Execute the following from the /opt/webwork/webwork2 directory to enable the webwork2 nginx configuration:
sudo systemctl restart nginx

Now set up the systemd service:

  • Copy webwork2.dist.service to webwork2.service.
  • Execute the following to enable and start the service:
sudo systemctl enable /opt/webwork/webwork2/conf/webwork2.service
sudo systemctl start webwork2

Deployment of the webwork2 job queue for all server arrangments

Some long running processes are not directly run by the webwork2 Mojolicious app. Particularly mass grade updates via LTI and sending of instructor emails. Instead these tasks are executed via the webwork2 Minion job queue.

Set up the job queue:

  • Copy webwork2-job-queue.dist.service to webwork2-job-queue.service.

Then execute the following to start the job queue:

sudo systemctl enable /opt/webwork/webwork2/conf/webwork2-job-queue.service
sudo systemctl start webwork2-job-queue