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Geoff Goehle edited this page May 29, 2014 · 9 revisions

If you are interested in writing code for WeBWorK you need to first get WeBWorK installation running, either on your own server or on a virtual machine. This can be done using the automated installation script at by running the commands:

wget --no-check-certificate

Report any issues you have to aubreyja's github repository. Alternatively you can manually install WeBWorK using the (somewhat outdated) instructions at

Next you will need to set up your own repository and add it as a remote to your WeBWorK installation.

  1. Start by clicking the fork button on the upper right hand side of this page.

  2. Your WeBWorK installation currently has the openwebwork github repository set up as a remote named origin. Add your remote by using the command

cd /opt/webwork/webwork2
git remote add personal<github username here>/webwork2.git
cd /opt/webwork/pg
git remote add personal<github username here>/pg.git

Note: If you installed WeBWorK manually using clone from your personal repository, then your personal repository will be named origin. You would then add the openwebwork repository using a similar command as above. You can then rename your branches using git branch rename <old branch name> <new branch name>.

  1. Recommended: This step is optional but recommended. As described in Coding and Workflow, all new code for WeBWorK should be written on feature branches. We don't recommend keeping local copies of the develop and master branches around since you shouldn't be making commits to those. If you want to work with a fresh copy of develop you should either make a feature branch as follows
git checkout -b <feature branch name>

Alternatively, you can checkout a "headless" version of develop to play around on using

git checkout origin/develop

This branch is temporary but can be made into a permanent branch by using git checkout.
Finally, you might consider deleting your master branch, just to be safe.

git branch -D master