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Frequently Asked Questions

Geoff Goehle edited this page May 29, 2014 · 3 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I don't want to develop, I just want to use webwork.

Take a look at the install instructions on First Time Setup. A reasonable first step is to try the ww_install script.

wget --no-check-certificate
  • I have a bug and I would like to report it.

You can submit bugs using the github "issues" feature. However, our standard bug tracker is at In particular the best way to report bugs in problems is to use the "report bugs in this problem" button in the problem editor.

  • I don't remember what my remotes are called and which is which?

You can use git remote -v to list your current remotes and which repositories they are connected to.

  • I can't keep all of these feature branches straight. Help!

Feature branches can be deleted after they are merged, which should keep the number down. You can also use git branch -vv to list all of the branches on your machine, including what they are tracking.

  • I just want to test out a few changes, why can't I have a local copy of develop?

You can use a local copy of develop. If you do git checkout origin/develop it will create a temporary "headless" version of develop which you can use to experiment. This headless version can be turned into a proper feature branch later if you decide your changes are worth saving.

  • I want to ask the developers something. How can I do that? You should consider joining the WeBWorK developers mailing list and asking your question there.

  • I can't see my feature branch/merge/whatever on the network graph?

You may need to click the refresh link.

  • My question/problem isn't on this list.

You can poke around in the official WeBWorK wiki at, visit the forums at, or try the IRC chatroom #webwork on freenode. Be patient. WeBWorK developers all have day jobs and other pressing concerns.