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Peter Staab edited this page Jul 9, 2015 · 13 revisions

This is a list of things to do to test webwork3.


  • check previous week, next week, today and month/week view to determine if results as expected.
  • change date (due, answer, open) by dragging
  • check that if you put a date out of order (like the due date before the open date) that the other dates should shift in a way that the spacing stays the same. That is if the open date is 5 days before the reduced credit date then afterwards, this spacing should be the same.
  • Click on letters in the assignment bars (O, R, D, A) for additional information and check that "Visit Problem Set" takes you to the Problem Set Detail view.
  • change dates by dragging problem set onto calendar. The due date should be the one dragged onto and the others should set themselves according to the defaults in the Settings.
  • Under the "Date Types" pulldown (above right side of the calendar), select, deselect date types and determine if they open and close appropriately.
  • check that the sort by in the Problem Sets sidebar works as expected.
  • check that reduced scoring dates are correctly visible. Toggle the setting "enable reduced scoring" to on. Make sure some of the dates have reduced scoring enabled and determine if they are correct on the calendar. Toggle the "enable reduced scoring" setting to "off" and check that the reduced scoring dates are not visible.

Problem Set Details

  • select different problem sets with the pulldown in the upper left.
  • change dates (if a date is selected in a way that is out of order [see in the calendar section above], the other dates should adjust)
  • change visibility (the problem sets sidebar should reflect the change switching italics on/off)
  • change enable reduced scoring (check if this shows/hides for the global setting) and make sure the reduced scoring date shows/hides appropriately. (the problem sets sidebar should reflect the change changing orange when reduced scoring is on)
  • assign to all users
  • delete a problem
  • undo the deletion.
  • reorder problems
  • change the value of a problem
  • view the path of a problem
  • view the tags of a problem
  • randomize a problem
  • view a problem (as a user) [currently doesn't work]
  • assign/unassign the problem set to users in "Assign Users" tab
  • in "customize users" tab, change dates/times for individual users.
  • in "customize users" tab, select a subset of students and change dates/times at the top. Their changes should be reflected immediately in the table.
  • in "customize users" tab, select "show time", "show recitation", "show section" to make sure that columns are added/hidden as appropriate.
  • in "set header" tab, make changes to the set headers, both via selecting different header files and by editing the header files. The changes should be made quickly.
  • in "set header" tab, change the set description.

##Library Browser tests

  • select every subject/chapter/section
  • add problems via target set
  • add problems via drag to set
  • create new problem set
  • select every directory available
  • select every textbook section available.
  • select all local problems.
  • select all problems in set definitions.
  • test search.

##Problem Set Manager

  • edit visibility, open date, due date, answer date and make sure that there is a green bar indicating server sync. (Select "All Messages" in the sidebar to see the specific data saved.)
  • filter sets. Try to find any field for any set.
  • sort the table by clicking the header columns. Clicking a second time should reverse the direction of the sort.
  • select multiple sets and delete the sets
  • toggle the show time checkbox and check that either the time is shown or the clock icon.
  • select multiple sets and set the properties. Wait for sync to server.
  • toggle the enable reduced scoring setting in course settings. If reduced scoring is not enabled, reduced scoring date should not be shown anywhere in the table or in the change multiple set properties modal.
  • make sure that the state is saved by going back to previous view then going forward. The state should save the current page, number of rows shown, the sort column, sort direction, the filter string, whether or not the change multiple properties modal is shown.
  • add a new set.
  • add a new set with bad characters (spaces ! ? @) in it. See if there is an error.

##Classlist Manager

  • change all editable fields and wait for sync to server
  • filter users. Try to find any field for any set.
  • sort the table by clicking the header columns. Note: email doesn't sort.
  • select users and delete them
  • add users manually. Try adding in bogus user IDS and emails and detect errors.
  • add students from a CSV file. Try putting in a bad file.
  • make sure that the state is saved by going back to previous view then going forward. The state should save the current page, number of rows shown, the sort column, sort direction, the filter string, whether or not the change multiple properties modal is shown.