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Releases: operator-framework/operator-sdk


26 Jan 19:27
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  • operator-sdk run bundle(-upgrade): Change default of the --security-context-config flag to be legacy instead of restricted. (#6261)
  • operator-sdk run bundle: When creating the CatalogSource, we now set the grpcPodConfig.SecurityContextConfig to the value of the --security-context-config flag. (#6261)

Bug Fixes

  • operator-sdk bundle validate: Fix a bug in the Kubernetes 1.25 validation logic that would warn that a Kubernetes resource was deprecated without checking the group that contains the resource. (i.e if apps/deployments was deprecated and you used other/deployments you would recieve a warning)". The validation logic will now verify the group and resource before issuing a warning. (#6263)
  • For operator-sdk run bundle(-upgrade): fix a bug in the logic that would attempt to create a ConfigMap that contained the entire contents of an FBC. Now if the FBC contents are to large to fit into a single ConfigMap, the FBC contents will be partitioned and split amongst multiple ConfigMap resources. (#6262)
  • operator-sdk run bundle(-upgrade): Fix a bug where SQLite bundle images were failing to be run properly due to a change in the default channel that is used by run bundle(-upgrade) when creating a subscription. (#6261)
  • operator-sdk run bundle(-upgrade): Update the logic used to set a Registry Pod's PSA configuration to fix a bug where a Pod's containers still had a restrictive SecurityContext even when setting --security-context-config=legacy. (#6261)
  • (scorecard): Fixes a bug where an error would be thrown if a Custom Resource did not have a .spec field, which is a perfectly valid scenario. Instead of throwing an error scorecard will now issue a suggestion. (#6266)


09 Dec 23:53
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  • For operator-sdk bundle validate: When checking for Kubernetes APIs deprecated in Kubernetes v1.25.0 the ClusterServiceVersion's CustomResourceDefinitions, ClusterPermissions, and Permissions are now validated to ensure no references to deprecated APIs are being made. (#6119)


  • (images): Bumps all Operator SDK maintained images to now use ubi(-minimal) tag 8.7. (#6175)

Bug Fixes

  • ansible: fixed "make run" so it finds local roles. (#6110)
  • For operator-sdk run bundle(-upgrade): fix a bug in the logic that would attempt to create a ConfigMap that contained the entire contents of an FBC. Now if the FBC contents are to large to fit into a single ConfigMap, the FBC contents will be partitioned and split amongst multiple ConfigMap resources. (#6182)


02 Dec 14:58
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Bug Fixes

  • For the ansible operator container images, update them to properly pull in the base image that uses UBI 8.7. (#6206)


15 Nov 15:54
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  • (images): Bumps all Operator SDK maintained images to now use ubi(-minimal) tag 8.7. (#6177)


09 Nov 17:56
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  • For operator-sdk bundle validate: When checking for Kubernetes APIs deprecated in Kubernetes v1.25.0 the ClusterServiceVersion's CustomResourceDefinitions, ClusterPermissions, and Permissions are now validated to ensure no references to deprecated APIs are being made. (#6123)


23 Oct 05:20
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  • (ansible/v1): Modified ansible scaffolding in order to incorporate changes with Kubebuilder on --component-config flag changes. Previously, the changes with --component-config flag were not considered by default.
    The following are the modifications: 1. If the --component-config flag is passed then look for - /manager in manager.yaml in order to add leader election id. If the component config flag is not passed then check for --leader-elect flag. 2. In manager_proxy_patch.yaml file, look for memory: 64Mi if the component flag is passed flag is passed. If not then look for --leader-elect. 3. Repeat the same logic for replacing the port number from the file. 4. At the end, update the manager.yaml file to avoid lint errors. (#6047)
  • (go/v3, hybrid.helm/v1-alpha, and quarkus/v1-alpha): Upgrade Kubernetes dependencies from 1.24 to 1.25. (#6044)
  • This PR bumped Kubebuilder to 3.7.1, with this version comes the addition of the --component-config flag.
    This flag is passed through operator-sdk init command. If this flag is passed through the command line as an argument then only the controller_manager_config.yaml file will be scaffolded in the manifest. If it is not passed then it will not scaffold out this file. The command for passing the flag is: operator-sdk init --domain --repo --component-config. (#6047)
  • (ansible/v1): updates the base ansible base operator event api, api server, and proxy to now have a 5 second timeout when reading the request headers. This is to prevent the possibility of a Slowloris attack. (#6088)
  • Modified go version to 1.19 and Kubebuilder to 3.7.1. The config-gen is completely removed from Kubebuilder. As part of this bump, the website content of SDK was updated where the doc is referring to config-gen. (#6047)
  • Updated ginkgo to ginkgo/v2 in all of the files. (#6047)
  • Updated: - ginko to ginko/v2 - io/ioutil packages to either io or os since its not longer supported in go1.19. (#6047)
  • (helm/v1): Modified helm scaffolding in order to incorporate changes with Kubebuilder on --component-config flag changes. Previously, the changes with --component-config flag were not considered by default.
    The following are the modifications: 1. If the --component-config flag is passed then look for - /manager in manager.yaml in order to add leader election id. If the component config flag is not passed then check for --leader-elect flag. 2. In manager_proxy_patch.yaml file, look for memory: 64Mi if the component flag is passed flag is passed. If not then look for --leader-elect. 3. Repeat the same logic for replacing the port number from the file. 4. At the end, update the manager.yaml file to avoid lint errors. (#6047)
  • (ansible/v1, helm/v1): Added support to build multi-arch images from the project Makefile. A docker-buildx target will build the images for the platforms specified by the PLATFORMS variable. (#6093)

Bug Fixes

  • (docs) Update the go version in the developer guide. The documentation wasn't updated when the go version was bumped to v1.18. (#6101)
  • For operator-sdk run bundle and bundle-upgrade subcommands: Added --security-context-config flag to enable seccompprofile. It defaults to restricted to support k8s 1.25. You can disable it with --security-context-config=legacy. (#6062)


17 Oct 18:12
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Bug Fixes

  • For operator-sdk run bundle and bundle-upgrade subcommands: Added --security-context-config flag to enable seccompprofile. It defaults to restricted to support k8s 1.25. You can disable it with --security-context-config=legacy. (#6080)


10 Oct 20:53
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  • Bumping java-operator-plugins to v0.6.0. (#6007)

Bug Fixes

  • Support test selectors in scorecard-kuttl. This only works if you supply a test name in the config for the entrypoint in the scorecard test config.yaml
    In the stages.testssection add an entrypoint, in this entrypoint you add the name of the test you want to associate with the selector.
    If you have a kuttl test directory called smoke your entrypoint should have - smoke as an entry. That way scorecard can pass that into the image and kuttl will run the single test. (#6015)
  • operator-sdk run bundle(-upgrade): fixed bug that made it so bundles weren't properly upgraded if the channel used in the bundle wasn't in the same channel as the bundle installed via operator-sdk run bundle. Using operator-sdk run bundle will now use a default channel instead of the one in the bundle. (#6042)
  • operator-sdk run bundle(-upgrade): fixed bug causing operator-sdk run bundle-upgrade and operator-sdk run bundle ... --index-image=... to stall indefinitely. (#6040)
  • For Ansible & Helm-based operators, the generated Makefile does not handle converting aarch64 to arm64. This prevents it from downloading the appropriate binaries.
    This change simply adds a call to sed to convert aarch64 to arm64. (#5480)


23 Aug 17:27
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  • (Alpha) New optional validator to help verify if a bundle matches criteria for multiple architecture support. More info: You can test it out by running $ operator-sdk bundle validate ./bundle --select-optional name=multiarch. (#5908)
  • Add an option, WatchAnnotationsChanges, to trigger reconciliations on annotation changes on watched resources. (#5611)
  • Add a plugin (deploy-image/v1-alpha) for Golang projects that scaffolds the code to deploy and manage an Operand(image). You can test it out by running operator-sdk --version=v1alpha1 --kind=Memcached --image=memcached:1.6.15-alpine --image-container-command="memcached,-m=64,modern,-v" --image-container-port="11211" --run-as-user="1001" --plugins="deploy-image/v1-alpha" More info. (#5965)
  • Add a plugin (grafana/v1-alpha) valid for all languages to help you generate Grafana dashboards. You can test it out by running operator-sdk edit More info. (#5965)
  • Add new golang plugin go/v4-alpha which adds support for Apple Silicon(darwin/arm64). (#5965)
  • Test containers defined by config.yaml can now read the environment variable SCORECARD_STORAGE to get a storage path defined in the config.yaml. (#5829)
  • (deploy-image/v1alpha plugin) Add support to generate SDK bundle manifests. (#5997)
  • (ansible/v1,helm/v1) Add support for Apple Silicon(darwin/arm64). Release Notes. (#5965)


  • Upgrade kube rbac proxy image from v0.11.0 to v0.12.0. More info. (#5903)
  • (go/v3) Update controller-tools from 0.9.0 to 0.9.2. More info. (#5965)
  • (go/v3) Update controller-runtime from v0.12.1 to v0.12.2 and Kubernetes dependencies from v0.24.0 to v0.24.2. More info. (#5965)
  • (go/v3,ansible/v1,helm/v1) Update from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0. More info. (#5965)
  • Breaking change: (ansible/v1,helm/v1) Upgraded kustomize version from v3.8.7 to v4.5.5. Release Notes. (#5965)
  • Update the supported OLM versions to 0.20.0, 0.21.2, 0.22.0. (#6000)
  • Moved bundle name validation check to the good-practices validator. You can test it out by running $ operator-sdk bundle validate ./bundle --select-optional name=good-practices. (#5908)


  • Legacy layout "Kubebuilder 2.x" provided via the go/v2 plugin is officially deprecated. Be aware that since Apr 2021, the default layout produced is done via the go/v3. (More info) Check your PROJECT file to make sure that your project layout is, if not please follow the migration guide to upgrade your project. (#5965)
  • Dropped support for installing olm version 0.19.1. (#6000)

Bug Fixes

  • For Hybrid Helm (hybrid.helm/v1-alpha) language based operators: Bump Dockerfile Go version to 1.18. (#5772)
  • Fix Makefile targets to not download binaries when they are found already. (#5965)
  • Remove the option to call kustomize/v1 plugin alone. If you are looking to use this project as a base for you to generate other plugins, please use Kubebuilder instead. (#5965)
  • Fix operator-sdk run bundle and upgrade bundle subCommands to allow them to work against Kubernetes versions < 1.19 and vendors like Openshift. (#5973)
  • Fixed scorecard testOutput tightly coupling with scorecard storage mountPath. (#5714)
  • Fix operator-sdk generate kustomize manifests to respect changes made by users in the config/manifests. (#5960)
  • For operator-sdk run bundle-upgrade: fix a bug that caused InstallPlans occasionally not being approved when attempting to upgrade a bundle. (#5901)
  • For run bundle-upgrade, generate just the extra FBC of the bundle instead of rendering the entire index and appending bundle contents to it. (#5891)
  • Honor --skip-tls-verify and --use-http flags from run bundle(-upgrade). (#5921)


21 Jul 18:14
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Bug Fixes

  • Honor --skip-tls-verify and --use-http flags from run bundle(-upgrade). (#5953)