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Mohamad J. Makki mjmk3
Developer \\ Java\Spring | Golang\Gin-Gonic | MySQL-PostgreSQL-Oracle

Istanbul, Turkey

Crypto Mickey mickey0511
Fullstack and BlockChain developer
Michael whizlo
Program programs
"It is not abstinence from pleasures that is best, but mastery over them without being worsted." - Aristippus of Cyrene (c. 435 – c. 356 BCE) 十人十色

N/A Reston, VA

Miquel Anglada Girotto MiqG
Postdoctoral Researcher @DiasFrazerGroup @CRG-CNAG using machine learning for genomic analysis.

CRG - Dias & Frazer Lab Barcelona

Tiger Kaovilai kaovilai
A gopher in the Kubernetes space. I contribute to @project-velero to protect @openshift & @kubernetes workloads.

Red Hat Raleigh, NC, USA; Bangkok, Thailand

Thanh Nguyen thanhqng1510

Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

Jakub Leško kubadlo
Days since last JavaScript bug: NaN

Bratislava, Slovakia

Roman Kunshin RomanK2311
I love Android and programs and I also love Material You and Goa Trance. ❤️

@Xiaomi @1Password @Kotlin Russian Federation, Republic of Udmurtia

0xrinegade 0xrinegade
on-chain retardio


Jonas Reptudn
Ayo peeps. I love coding. I love creating stuff. Hope y'all have a great day.

42 Heilbronn Germany


United States

Moon catilac
, Graphics, Systems, and Audio. @recursecenter

Super Catilac NYC

Adam Reviczky reviczky

London, United Kingdom

Daniel Clements iamclements
Cloud Systems Administrator


Shangdian (King) Han kingh0730
Prev { @microsoft research, @Huawei }

Berkeley, California

Leandro Pincini leandropincini

São Paulo - SP - Brazil

Jacek Wieczorek Jacajack
Bouncing back and forth between computer graphics, electrical engineering and synthesizers.

Siemens Digital Industries Software Earth (for now), Poland, Katowice

FisherEmma FishwerEmma
focus on my love!

蓝加传媒文化有限公司 Beijing