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magazinkrisso 13inccc
➕🔒🔞📂▫️\\ sofia

infracritical infracritical
ICS/SCADA as well as critical infrastructure protection (CIP) research and evaluation.

Chicago, IL

Natã Martins natamartinscodedev
There is no easy way, just only hard work So don't think, just do it!

... moon...🚀

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


ASM Najmus Sakib Khan asmnajmussakibkhan
"Gotta stick to the code and the literature"

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Amir of Ekiti amirofekiti
Hi! I am Amir, a Full-Stack Developer and a Masters in Engineering. I have over 7+ experience developing websites (i.e, e-commerce, blogs etc.) for clients.

Freelance NG

Natã Martins natamartins
FrontEnd Developer - HTML5 - CSS3 - React.Js - Next.Js - Typescript & JS © O Menino do HTML

.... Brasil

Brandon Winger-Air BrandonWingerAir
Full-stack Developer and Designer. Available for hire | Enterprise Web & Mobile App Development | 2015 🎓

Freelance Ontario, Canada

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Fernando Belotto fernandobelotto
I live to drive education and technology forward.

Campinas, SP

Ai aihkas
I fix bugs for breakfast 🐛🐞🪳🪲🐛🐞🪳 See the good in people and the bad in software.
Alan Montgomery alanmontgomery
Frontend Development Lead • Mobile • Web • React • Ionic • NextJS • TailwindCSS

Frontend Development Lead Belfast, Northern Ireland

Francesco franchecco
Ieri è storia, domani è mistero, ma oggi è un dono…per questo si chiama presente!
Eduard bar-alex

Manchester, UK

Ahmad ahmb
.NET Core + Framework (C#) ReactJs (Js+Ts) GoLang Flask (Python) Bash +Powershell

Toronto, ON