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founder of codemaster alighasemi889
💫Front-end developer

CodeMaster IRAN

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mohammed Shan muhammedShanSyber
Sys Admin | Freelancer | Web Developer & Designer


XeusNguyen Xeus-Territory
Be stayed humble and enthusiastic with passion. An indie researcher who wants to bring new things. 🖐🏼 Viet Nam

David Liu davidkhala
A data architect

@kyndryl-open-source HongKong

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO


LevelUp 2x Phoenix, AZ USA

codeMonkeyCybersecurity CodeMonkeyCybersecurity
Cybersecurity with humans

Code Monkey Cybersecurity fremantle, wa

0x12345 at gmail


Len P. van der Hof Lenvanderhof
Think Big — Build Beyond. Founder & owner of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Randy LeJeune rflejeune
High Performance Computing Analyst / Administrator.

Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA

Stan fullstackinfo

Full Stack Info Las Vegas, NV

Tiago Oliveira 5toliv

@economiagovbr Brasil

langdexuming langdexuming

langdexuming Shenzhen Guangdong

Muhammad Istiqlal iqlal
Cloud Native Enthusiast | Microsoft Certified Trainer, Azure | Building @wearesyntesa

Building @wearesyntesa Indonesia

aDNS wtoung
System Administrator from Y2K era
Evgeniy Letenkov eletenkov
DevOps Engineer

@eletenkov Russian

WonSeok Jang leanotrace
UNIX/Linux Specialist | Red Hat Certified Architect Unix and Linux systems expert with over 8 years of experience


LhY.mE lianghuiyuan
技术:监控 LGTM,Kubernetes, Istio, DevOps, Ansible, Jenkins, Docker, Golang, Spring, Linux

@IntoYun @IntoRobot @AI-OpenSource-Projects Shenzhen

Fiore Mario Vitale mfvitale
Senior software engineer

@RedHatOfficial @debezium Born in Naples, living in Milan

Petr Safarcik safarcik
Founder, CEO & Solutions Architect at @thybit

@thybit Prague / Ostrava

Dương Bảo Duy bdx0
I'm a software engineer Vietnam

Brian Cline briancline
click gently please

SoftLayer / IBM Cloud Dallas, Texas

Ralph tarifafreak
Tech Recruiter @edekadigital 🖤 Tech, Pen & Paper, Board Games, Video Games PS4/Switch), Android Development, RPG, Badminton, Festivals (Metal)

EDEKA DIGITAL GmbH Hamburg, Germany

lydian mckim27

Korea Republic. Seoul

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Michael S Costello fraterm
Freelancer, IT Contractor, TTRPG Fan

ApproachZero Ecorse, MI