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Elinor Morris ELIIMORRIS
MSc student @ Cardiff Uni
Aburrá Space aburraspace
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

M.Sai Gopesh Rayudu SaiGopesh
I'm currently pursuing masters in Data Science specialization and want to develop my career in the field of Data Science.


Lesley Duff dataquine
Senior developer now seeking employment in data related role. Graduate of @codeclan DR22 cohort in Professional Data Analysis.

Glasgow, Scotland

Andrew K keenanandrew
Charity senior manager entering the world of data engineering and MLOps


Dafydd Llŷr Pearson DafyddLlyr
Full Stack Geospatial Software Developer @theopensystemslab

@theopensystemslab Glasgow

Mattia Di Profio MattiaDiProfio
BSc Computing Science at the University of Aberdeen.

The University of Aberdeen Edinburgh, UK

Daphne Sirot Daphne362

Turre, Almeria, Spain

poppysmickarlili karlili
New adventure to ML, Almost fullstack Developer - NodeJS, Angular, Java, GraphQL, MongoDB, Docker, Kubenetes


Ross Thomson rossthomson89
Technical Lead @ FortyTwo Studio

@fortytwostudio Aberdeen, UK

Sarwar Murshed Shatil shatilsarower
Passionate developer who wants to learn new things and try that out his own way. For now I'm learning Flutter.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Afzal Hossain afzalhossain00
Hello, I am Afzal Hossain from Bangladesh. I am a Professional Web Designer and Developer.
santi liwsakphaiboon oofin008
internship @ HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland. Computer Engineering @ Assumption University of Thailand

Refinitiv, an LSEG business (ex-thomsonreuters) Bangkok ,Thailand

Andy Gaskell AndyGaskell
Full stack Web Dev + DevOps at SSOFB. Member of @AberdeenPHP and @hackerdeen. Keen @joomla dev, #php #javascipt #css #linux. Dad, hacker, cook, traveller.

SSOFB & PiotaApps Aberdeen, UK

Steffen nutcracker22

a German in the UK

Carlos Moreno-García carlosfmorenog
Associate Professor in Computing

Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, UK