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Mohit V S iammohitvs
A university Computer Science student from Bangalore, India. Always ready to learn more about Software development. Currently an aspiring web developer.

Bangalore, India

Glenn Tatum GlennTatum

Rochester Institute of Technology

Harsh_V_M Haksham
Student | Code Freak | Tech Geek | Web-Dev


Yashaswini M Yashaswini-19
Hello, This is Yashaswini M, Pursuing Electronics and Communication Engineering at MS Ramaiah Institute Of Technology.

MSRIT Bengaluru

Manjunath Patil Manjunath3155
Professional bug creator, occasional fixer.


Kay Kavya879


Prathmesh Sayal Pratz1337
Working on Improving Myself

Ramaiah Insitute of Technology Bengaluru

VirtualHorror VirtualHorror
Technology and Space Enthusiast | Young Entrepreneur - CEO & Founder at Proton Servers Host | Full Stack Developer


Hrishikesh K Haritas hrishikeshkh
Passionate about transparent, impactful tech solutions

Bengaluru, India

Anant Sharma virtuoso-04
Let it Happen !

Student @ MSRIT bengaluru

Shreyansh Mishra ShreyanshEC088
Student of Electronics and Communication, pursuing B.E from M.S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
M Nanditha Prabhu Nanditha-Prabhu

M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT) Bangalore

Yash Gupta yashpapa6969
currently studying in ms ramaiah institute of technology branch cse cybersecurity flutter developer my portfolio website https://portfoliowebsite-f4642.web.a
Shravan Revanna githubhosting
This profile is managed by @myselfshravan


Amith M amithm3
@Amith225 A passionate student who loves building logical & scientific programs. I relish the challenge of creating robust solutions the "hard way".

msrit Bangalore, India

Gautam Menon GR-Menon
Python Developer working on Computer Vision, NLP and Data Engineering


Shravan myselfshravan
I'm a final-year CSE (AI ML) student. I enjoy coding and have for a few years now. I love working with LLMs and building websites. More Projects @githubhosting


Ananjay Gurjar AnanjayGurjar
Android Development | GDSC RIT Core member | MSRIT '24

[email protected]

Ninaad ninaadps
Always up for some challenge. MSRIT Bengaluru '24


Aastha itsAastha
Hi! I'm Aastha, I'm currently learning open source so I can start making contributions soon, Thanks for visiting! 🐰📓

Bangalore, India.

Bhagya Patel bhagyaspatel
Persuing BTech degree in Information Science in MSRIT, Bangalore . Have a vast interest in Android app development and DS-Algorithms.
Suraj Kumar psk907
Associate Software Engineer @mathworks | Flutter & Web Developer | Tech Enthusiast | Graduated from RIT

@mathworks Bengaluru

Jeevika K JeevikaK
SDE @IBM ISL | Ex-intern Volvo Digital & IT | ISE @msrit’24 | Artificial Intelligence | Full stack Developer

Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore, India

Dhruv DhruvDange
I love building things

Bangalore, India

Adeeb K.M adeebkm
Coding is nice😃

Bangalore, India

Owais Iqbal Shades-en
Eager for innovation and ideas! Hmu for building exciting new tech.

Lowe's India Bangalore