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Pedro H. Martins VoidPep
Hello there, maybe you cant find a lot of repos heree because everything i've been working is private rn but you're welcome anyway

Maringá PR

Carlos Alexandro Becker caarlos0
Maintains @goreleaser; Works @charmbracelet;

@charmbracelet @goreleaser Brazil

Pedro Satin satinP
Web Developer

Inter&Co Maringá - PR, Brazil

Artur Barth Arturbarth
Developer III @grupoboticario

@GrupoBoticario Santa Izabel do Oeste - PR

Kátia Cibele katiacih
Desenvolvedora e apaixonada por tecnologia.

GB Toledo-PR

Andrey Silveira andreysilveira
Frontend developer at Balance of Nature

Balance of Nature Brazil

Rhayonne rhayonne
Software Architect - Node.js Full-Stack Developer - Open Source software enthusiast

Clariane Caen, Basse-Normandie, France

Lucas Giori Cesconetto lucascesconetto
Software Engineer

PagSeguro International Douradina, PR

Leonardo Tumadjian leoqbc
Arch; Tech; Dev; Teach

DifferDev Brazil

schons sschonss
PHP | Hyperf | Laravel | Swoole | Go

Vivaworks Brazil

Geovane Norbert GeovaneNorbert

QUESTOR - Francisco Beltrão

Eduardo fernandes da silva Efrnds
🚀 Technology enthusiast and Front-End Developer. Systems Analysis and Development Academic at IFPR Campus Umuarama

Texsa do Brasil LTDA Umuarama,Paraná,Brazil

Michele Regina Bora michelereginabora
Hello! I'm currently focused on web development and applying software engineering concepts. You are welcome to my creation space!


Software Engineer-Data Engineer divithraju
Software Engineer | Data Engineer |

Freelancer India

Henrique Craveiro hocraveiro
Software engineer

Limerick, Ireland

Gideone Lacerda Costa GidLC
Aluno de Sistemas de Informação IFPR - Instituto Federal do Paraná (Campus Ivaiporã) - Suporte Técnico (Impacto Gerencial Consultoria)

IFPR - Ivaiporã São João do Ivaí

Paulo Sergio Klaus pauloklaus
programador & entusiasta linux


Adonias Vitorio adoniasvitorio
Developer, Musician and Family man.

@Minutrade http://localhost

Douglas doulgs
👋 Hi there! I'm Douglas, a passionate React Native developer with 2 years of experience. I specialize in creating intuitive and high-performance mobile apps.

DevCoffye Maringa-PR

Rafael de Sá Rafael-de-Sa

Umuarama, PR - Brazil

Gustavo Nunes Paz gustavonunespaz
Studying Systems Analysis and Development at the Estácio de Sá University


Leandro Dukievicz LeandroDukievicz
Desenvolvedor Front End - Javascript | React | Node | Graduado Sistemas P/ Internet

Maringá - Pr - Brazil

Igor Alexandre da Costa Igorggwp
Developer & Software Engineer student

Toledo, Paraná, Brasil

João Victor Haas haaszdev
Estudante de Engenharia de Software
José Bruno josebruno2020
Full stack developer and tech lover.

Stone Co. Maringá - PR

Marco Ollivier marcopollivier
Tech Lead | Staff Engineer | ex @nubank , @olxbr e @flash-tecnologia | Professor | Mentor de carreira | Palestrante | Criador de conteúdo

@lemonenergy @educacionalAda São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Estevan estevanbs

@tecnospeed Brasil

Ana Carolyne anadevti
SRE at @stone-payments. Back-End Developer. Volunteer at @codaqui. Organizer of @DeveloperParana, Leader of @AWS-UG-Maringa

@stone-payments Maringá

Fernando Bortotti fernandobortotti
Físico | Pentester | Bug Hunter


Elina Torres elinatorresn

@stone-payments @hustle-digital Ponta grossa - PR

dellDeveloper dellDeveloper
“Não é a linguagem de programação que define o programador, mas sim sua lógica.”

Honda Guarulhos SP

Paulo Sergio paulosergiocf
Analista de sistemas.


Bruno Pinha brunopinha
software engineer

uMobim Technology Brazil

Lauriana Paludo lauriana
Professora da área da Computação no IFPR campus Pinhais | Engenharia de Software | Interação Humano - Computador

IFPR Pinhais, PR, Brasil

gus gustavoquinalha
Software Engineer & UI/UX Designer


Matheus maatdeveloper
Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas @FaculdadeDescomplica


Jose Daher JTDAHER
Acadêmico em Tecnologia da Informação pela UNIVESP "Aspiring Software Developer"