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Hector Gutierrez HectorGtz27
Internt at Boston Childrens Hospital | Computer Science student at Tecnológico de Monterrey

Boston, Massachusetts

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


JF Kalafut JFK-Ashmatics

Asher Informatics Pittsburgh PA

Alberto Mtz Albertomhz01
Biotechnology Engineer Student at Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) and Undergraduate Research Assistant at BCH/HMS

Boston Children Hospital Boston

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Arman Avesta ArmanAvesta
Neuroradiology Fellow at Harvard Medical School

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA

Faith Nassiwa faithNassiwa

Quartz & Binary Synergy Limited Kampala - Uganda

Kaede Shiina randoruf


zhangyucheng OctopusDOC
Zhengjiang University/major in Biomedical Engineering

Zhejiang University China, Zhejiang Province, Yuquan Campus (Map): 38 Zheda Road, Hangzhou

Jeffrey N Stout dittothat
Scientist Boston Children's Hospital

Boston Children's Hospital Boston

Keying Qi unicoco7
A student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Giorgio G-Formicola
Computer science student @ Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II

Naples, Italy

Arturo Salvio asalvi0
Software Architect / Security Researcher
Liu Hui devhliu
Medical Imaging


Daniel Borek danieltomasz
Data Analysis Psychology PhD Researcher @ UGent working on electrophysiological brain activity in relation to cognitive flexibility.

Ghent University Brussel

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Salim Kanoun salimkanoun
Nuclear Medicine Physician Java, Php, Python, Javascript, full stack developer

Pixilib Toulouse (France)

Aditi Goyal aditi5050
Former Software Engineering Backend Intern @ Exam Lounge | Ex - SDE Intern @ IGNIAD | TIET'26
Monalika Patnaik MonalikaPatnaik
Open-Source-Enthusiast || IGDTUW CSE || ~~ Open-Source is Lovee<3 ~~

Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women New Delhi, India

SungminYou VictorSungminYou
Research Fellow at Boston Children's Hospital / Harvard Medical School.

Boston Children's Hospital Boston