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Ravi Nagubandi nagubandiravi
Working as Principal Engineer at Oracle. I work on Java Platform and currently looking for opportunities.

@Oracle Hyderabad

Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Kourosh Kourosh-zhiankhah
Frontend developer


Kyra Cnh kyracnh
Future Dev Leader 🌱
Denzell Griffith denzellgh

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Engr. Majoroh DarthVve
Software Engineer (Full Stack) with a demonstrated history of working in the computer, software development and network security industry.
Gloria Phiri lloriiiana
Lover of coding. Future software developer, passionate about web dev. Always up for a challenge.. like literally.
Addow AminAddow

Aller Media Oslo

Daniel Salahi dansalahi
Full Stack Engineer

Antalya, Turkey

Chandan Kheto Khetochandan
Passionate Software Engineer focused on Full-Stack Web Development. Proficient in Java, Python, JavaScript, ReactJs, NodeJs & Actively solving problems


X-VicTor VicTorWHoX
Assistant Professor Working on AI, ML, RL Driven Mobile Edge Computing


Chad Rhonan Stewart chadstewart
A Software Engineer trying to learn to make a living typing weird squiggly lines on a computer screen that does stuff!

TechIsHiring Kingston, Jamaica

Reality Stevens realitystevens
Software Engineer and Community Manager

Abuja, Nigeria

SARE Aboudou Samadou saresamadou
Je suis un développeur FullStack. Ma stack technique de prédilection est Java / Javascript / Spring / Angular.


Gustavo Bohorquez gabodo
I'm a Electronic Engineer on Telecommunications and beside my carrer I'm very interested on programming software. I'm here to learn and contribuit.


it's me its-me-mhd
Hey, There welcome ...

united states

Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

PT Philip MaxCodeXTC

DeepCloud Inc. S.E.A.

Mohamed Karawia mohamed-karawia
Innovative Front End Developer with over five years of experience. I craft dynamic, responsive, and user-focused web apps with a strong foundation in HTML, CSS


Kevin Lam hifromkevin
I am a Javascript developer with experience in React, AngularJS, Node/Express, and Mongo.

San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Sirarpi Manukyan manukyansirarpi
Software engineer with more than 10 years of experience . React.js/ Next.js /Typescript / Node.js


Karima Thingvold kath0809
2025 Graduate

Student Oslo, Norway

Ali Özer ozeralix
Software Test Engineer


Shota Miyahara miyasan31
React, ReactNative, Angular, NestJS😻


Mariam Qadeem MQ-06
PUCIT '26 | Software Engineer

Unites States