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霧雨烨 KirisameY

UnnamedTemp China

Dennis Ogiermann termi-official
PhD Candidate in Computational Cardiology. Computer scientist. Co-founder of @NydusOne .

Ruhr University Bochum Germany

Luca Talevi farfalk
Freelancer Information Engineer. I love to make people, machines and processes interact together in harmony.
Anthony nuggs
Player hater and I won't stop because I'm not a quitter.
Kotob realkotob
Game Engineer making all sorts of things. Passionate about games-as-art and the open exchange of information.
Enrico Rossetti Hairic95
Italian Gamedev

Italy, Bergamo

Benjamin Stanley HeadClot
Software developer

Utah, United States

Sophie TaraSophieDev
Making games as a hobby. 🐸 🐍🦀🐧☕
