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Yazhou Zhao Yzzhao-asia
Hello, my friend. I have a strong appetite for interesting new knowledge.


Yongxian JXQJ

Wuhan University Wuhan

AlidadA IForIV
GIS Engineer, Remote Sensing Analyst, Cartographer
Rafael Bendo Paulino rafaelbendo
PhD Student at George Mason University. 🌎

George Mason University Fairfax, VA

H Rainak Khan Real hrkreal

@ICESAT-2HackWeek @CryoInTheCloud

Geomatics and Land surveying Engineer, passionate about Geo-computing and ML.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II - IAVH II Rabat, Morocco

GlennML glennlaughlin

cape breton, nova scotia

David Carrilho Dlcarrilho
Economista, Mestre em Engenharia de Produção PUC-Rio.

São Paulo

WhuLife Whulife
Enthusiastic Coder in C++ & Python

LASAC Beijing

Florin Zainescu FlorinZai
Earth science researcher


Siddharth Shankar glacierSid
Senior Geoscience Data Scientist | Computer Vision | GenAI | Geosciences | Remote Sensing | Glaciology | Climate Change | Big Data
Jonathan Burton jwburton3
PhD student UC Denver Glaciology | GLOFs | Hydrology
Adrian Marziliano AdrianMarzil

University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM

Shanshan Li sophie8910
Research Scientist; Data Scientist; GIS instructor
Anna Puggaard anpug
PhD-student at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU)


Danielle Grau dgrau13

Georgia Institute of Technology

Nury Amanmadov amanmadov
JavaScript | Node.js | Express.js | React.js | MongoDB | .NET | Python | Salesforce

University of Washington Seattle, WA



Jean Baptiste Barré jbbarre
Geospatial Data Science | Earth Observation | GIS | LiDAR

JB Barré Grenoble

Kimia Mohammadnezhad kimnezhad
Geomatics- Remote sensing Engineer
Ty Frazier fraziertj
Research Scientist

ORNL Oak Ridge