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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Matias_Gimenez MatGimenez

IGNEA TECH Cerro Polanco 17268

HVG-Ninja's sagar-vaghela
My works: ✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive

Pune, India

Camila Serantoni R. CamiSerantoni
Fullstack-JavaScript | Front- end | ReactJS

Blue Express

Patrick Ciudad PatrickWCity
Developer of Projects, Master of None.

@CommandWolf Santiago, Chile

Gaby Hernandez gabyh7922
| Desarrollador Backend | JavaScript | HTML |CSS| MySQL | Scrum | Git | Figma |GitHub|

santiago de chile

Diana Vilchez DianaVilchez
Desarrolladora Frontend | Html | CSS | Javascript | Node.js
Luis A. Guisado PushoDev
✨ Graduado en la especialidad de Informática 🖥️. Apasionado al desarrollo de Software 📱⚙️ y a la Solución de problemas. 😊⭐ 📧[email protected]

@Freelancer Ciudad de Manzanillo, Cuba

Luz Vivanco vmarialuzm
FullStack Developer Jr.💻 | Python🐍 | Flask | Django | Mysql | MongoDB | HTML | CSS | JS | MySQL

Laboratoria Lima, Perú

DanielaMG Danimar-g
Web Developer | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Git | Github | Node.js | Terapeuta Ocupacional |

Santiago de Chile

Lisette V. Piña Martínez lisettevirginia
| Ingeniera en Informática | BackEnd Developer | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Diseño Web | GitHub | Agile | Scrum | Python |

Lima, Perú

Christian Polli Maracujacake

São Carlos, SP.

Islenacaldas islenacaldas
Programadora FullStack |Desarrollo Web HTML, CSS, JavaScript |Programación de aplicaciones|Enfoque en prácticas limpias y calidad| testing y debugging.

Laboratoria Bogotà- Colombia

Mabel Gutierrez mabel-gp
👩‍💻 @Laboratoria Web Developer PYTHON+JS+HTML+CSS+GIT+FIGMA

Laboratoria Perú

Light Ligth-05
Sere la mejor ingeniera mecatronica
Giorthy Gilberto Lopez Sanchez Toasted1996
Im looking for projects that encourage my path in tech, if u need me please 📫 reach me @ LinkedIn as GiorthyLopez...
Florencia IT Recruiter FlorenciaRecruiter
Lic en Psicologia Especilizandome en reclutamiento y selección de personal IT. Envianos tu cv a [email protected]
Ilana Gleiser Ilanacode
Bárbara Evelin Rolón Barbara24ar
👋 ¡Hola! Soy Barbara, una Desarrolladora Web apasionada por las tecnologías front-end. Actualmente, estoy enfocada en aprender JavaScript, HTML y CSS

Lima, Perú

Joseth Code JosethDev
| Web Developer 👩🏻‍💻 | HTML | JavaScript | Css | Git | GitHub | Python |

Chiclayo, Perú

Fernanda Alvarez AlvarezF7
Front-End Developer | HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | Scrum | Node.js

Santiago de Chile

Catalina Betancur Ruiz catabetancur0719
Frontend | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | GitHub | AI Prompting |

Medellín, Colombia

Pamela Olguin pame-olguin
Desarrolladora web (Laboratoria), con conocimientos en HTLM, CSS, Javascript, python, GIT y Figma.

Laboratoria Chile

Maria Victoria Montero VictoriaMonteroDesign
| Desarrollo Web | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Git | Github | Diseño UX | Design Systems | Figma |

Santiago, CL

Bruno S. Duarte brunosduarte
Agile Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer | AWS Certified

RS, Brazil

James Cardona jamescardona11
Tech explorer | Passionate about mobile development, Android, iOS, and Flutter.


Desenvolvedora Web Júnior | Atualmente estudando na Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

São Paulo, SP

Daniela Calderon daniilicious
Learning python for data science, previous experience working in finance and logistics (+5 years). Fluent in English and Spanish.


Sofia Mejia-Muro sofiamejiamuro
Conversational AI || ML || Conversation Design

@SantexGroup Remote

Chaqui corosteg
Web developer in Laboratoria Student at 42 school (France)
Thai タイセ 2code4coffee
º✶´♡ º.¸¸.Data and Github lover.¸¸.º ♡`✶º


Carolyne Santos de Oliveira CarolyneS14
📊 SQL | Python | Power Bi | Looker Studio | Excel | GoogleSheets | Azure

São Paulo , Brasil

Licet Lemus LicetLemus
Desarrolladora Web | Frontend | HTML | JavaScript | Css | IA | Testing
Alessandra Godoy abengl
Software Developer | Java | JavaScript | Python


catherine solarte Catherinesolarte
Desarrolladora de software, siempre atenta a nuevas tecnologías