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Rimenes Ribeiro rimenes

Joao Pessoa, Brazil

Andrew Nesbitt andrew
Working on mapping the world of open source software @ecosyste-ms and empowering developers with @octobox

@ecosyste-ms and @octobox Bristol, UK

Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

Lorenzo Sciandra kelset
Open Source, Mental Health and React Native

London, UK

Julian Pistorius julianpistorius
Organic Software Gardener 🍅

Indiana University & Exosphere Project Tucson, Arizona

Casey Gollan caseyg

UX Research Insights + Engagement at @IBM Brooklyn, NY

Arman Taheri ArmanTaheriGhaleTaki
interested in cloud computing and data
AG Casholey
Apple Pilot-program Ai Tech Lidar Starlink X IBM Dell Tesla Subaru LinkedIn Vista @ghixianon

Sourav Das souravcipher
Operations @Open-Source-Collective, maintainer @fosstreeorg @todogroup, formerly mentorship programs lead @OpenMined

@Open-Source-Collective, Milky way

● I'am Students Amikom Yogyakarta ● @dicodingacademy

Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Richard Littauer RichardLitt
Open source maintainer, birder, sailor, poet, linguist, flâneur, etc, etc, etc.

@sustainers Pōneke Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand

Jacob Weisz ocdtrekkie
IT Consultant who dabbles in code on occasion.

Chicagoland, IL