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Bernhard Schönberger schoenbergerb

Hierl und Müller OHG Passau, Bavaria, Germany

Jeff Wiegand electroponix
13 yrs later - i think i'm ready to commit.

electroponix, llc worldwide

Martin JM-creater
Software Developer

Alliance Software Inc. Cebu City

Youdahe Gebremariam YodaheTG
A GIS analyst interested in developing GI systems and application development

Way Maps and Analytics

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


BlackGanglion BlackGanglion
Where there is a will, there is a way.

@COROS Dongguan, Guangdong, China

Baptiste Grosjean grosjeanbaptiste
Information Scientist | student @Umons by night and @ EMVI by day.

EMVI Bruxelles

Mohamed Habib mohamedhabibwork
Programming is a live ♥.


Ilham Ridho Asysyifa'a ilhamridho04
build a new project to be useful for everyone.

Kuningan West Java Indonesia

Arbal arbal

Los Angeles, CA

Somekind of weird IT-enthusiast. Specialized in networking and server systems.


Prosen Ghosh Prosen-Ghosh
8+ years of experience in utilizing technology to achieve business objectives

@measured-ai Dhaka

Geek Click StasArzamasskij
Geek forever!


itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group PreciousSingletary
Welcome to Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group, INC. where luxury living is redefined and a team of experienced and dedicated professionals.

Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group Beverly Hills, CA

Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.
Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Mohammad Hameed MoeHameed
Autonomous Robotics, Cross-Platform AI & SaaS Apps

Mountain View, CA

Jonny jonnywright
don't touch the head...
Madeorsk Madeorsk
French software engineer. Free software enthusiast. I prefer computers to humans.

Zeptotech France

gabriel cardoso gabriel-scripts
Always learning. Be & stay curious.


Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Dirk Gous DirkGous

Redpanda software Cape town SA

Shekhroz Shekhrozx
Python Backend Engineer | Ph.D. | Crafting Scalable Solutions 💻 Passionate about Code and Innovation

Seoul, South Korea

Ronald Nababan ronsen
Tech, Indonesia, and randomness.


Alfonso de la Guarda Reyes alfonsodg
Aputek / Prixtips / Veo365 CTO. Old school Hacker and Geek. Linux and FLOSS activist. Communications, Anthropologist, Computer Science and R(I)+D. Socioliberal

Aputek Lima, Perú

Daivik Karbhari User-DK
An Aspiring Computer Science Under Graduate

Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli India

Akif AKTAŞ akifaktas
Geomatics Engineer. Founder of Routingo
