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Desert hong539
just practice


Kevin Paul Lamadrid hackeziah
"Never Stop Learning Because Life Never Stop Teaching"

Software Engineer/ Pythonist Philippines, NCR Manila, Taguig City

cobaltyang cobaltyang
My research direction is machine learning and deep learning. I have some experience in Python.

Bei Jing

Austin Ray austospumanto

@saxecap San Francisco, CA

Toan Nhu toannhu96
A passionate Senior Data Engineer at Tiki Corporation

Tiki Corporation Ho Chi Minh City

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Adham Salama adhamsalama
Giving sand the ability to think was a mistake.
Branko Vukmirović branevukmirovic

ITechnology Sejkina 25 / 1P, Beograd, Srbija, 11000

Tomasz Wójcik tomwojcik
There are 2 hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-1 errors.

Adverity Katowice, Poland

Sina Sharifkazemi negatic
Building and Breaking things in Python & Go


Kashif Ahmed kashifahmed1989

freelancer karachi-Pakistan

Itamar Reis Peixoto itamarjp
Linux | Python | Cloud

Internet Services Provider Brasil Brazil

Hakan Çelik hakancelikdev
Author of Unimport & Unexport

Trendyol Malatya, Turkey

Seung-Min Han nashorstyle

Korea Univ Korea Univ. 고려대학교 안암캠퍼스 자연관

Peter Simpson pj-simpson
Support Engineer by day, Programming enthusiast wherever possible!


Aleksandr Aleksandr7793
Trustworthy and high performance validators. Stake with us and Take profit 🚀


Nova NovaAndrom3da
Privacy Enthusiast & Software Engineer
Tobi Tobi-De
Full stack @django developer. Open source, automation scripts using @python. Frontend with htmx from @bigskysoftware.

Other World - Snake Way

Weverton Marques wevertonms
Civil Engineer and Python Developer. Lover of programming, Linux and cycling.

@lccvufal @ds4data Brazil

Minglang minglangdu
I exist
