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Alessio de Dato Deda-404
Computer engineer at UniPI
Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Hossein_128 Mehrad128
❤️ Love for coding and constant learning! /;
Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

LoboGuardian 🐺 LoboGuardian
📡 Telecommunications Engineer ⌨ sudo root 🐺

JARwareZ Port

ZGQ Inc. ZGQ-inc
Furry & Gay.

ZGQ Inc. Earth

Anderson Kevin vin6158
one day I'm gonna make onion cry....
Izaac IzaacCoding36
Programming is cool 0101

Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

Farbod MrFarbodMirzaee
Moving towards success ⏳


DDang_ I-am-ddang
pronounce me [tta-ang] or [ttang] (Don't pronounce me [d-dang] or [ttaeng] 😡)
Jean Ferreira dos Santos jeanfsantos83
Sou apaixonado por tecnologia, programação e cada dia aprendendo as novas tendências para evoluir meu conhecimento.

MEI - Adm - Gestor Tráfego Salvador-BA

Maybe? neverfriendme
I prefer to work alone.
김동건 gbdngb12
KVE-2024-0290 (Ark Library), CVE-2024-57970 (libarchive)

BoBpiler { Compiler Optimization Vulnerability Research } 서울 구로구 경인로 661 핀포인트타워 15층 1514호

Euiseo Cha zeroday0619
I am interested in computer science & engineering and accelerated computing.

Wonkwang University, @ubuntu-kr Seoul, Republic of Korea

Ghostly-Dev nism385
I'm a young student working to expand my technical knowledge. To keep pace with the growing market around us today.

Ghostly-Dev Utah

anlex N anlexN
你们存在我温暖的心里,你们存在我深深的脑海里,你们存在我美丽的精神世界里。 you are always in my warm heart, you are always in my deep mind, you are always in my beautiful spirit world.
IleanaCano ilcjo
FullStack Developer | JS | NodeJS | SQL | Sequelize | Express | React | Redux | Toolkit | MUI | Bootstrap | Figma | Adobe XD | Mockups | HTML | CSS | Wordpress


Enkhjargal Lkhagvaa enkhjargal
Coder 👨‍💻 Dad

South Korea