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ReppCharlie ReppCharlie

Brocade Communications Systems


freelancer Ho Chi Minh

Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Ali Shohadaee alishhde
MSc. Student in AI at University of Bologna

University of Bologna Italy, Bologna

amir hossein theonewithdesire
computer engineering grad. a web dev (for now) using React, Next.js, Express.js and Tailwind.css. teaming up with ai assistants lately.

Tehran / Iran

winston winstongit

androidbox china

Peme969 ⚡ peme969
Pythonista, Pythoneer, Hugo, Tech, Web & AI enthusiast. Check out my personal bot @CodeCompanionX!

The Lone Star State

OSSO ossodessoft
estudiante de desarrollo estoy dando mis primeros pasos creo que si damos un paso a la vez estaremos tarde o temprano donde queremos estar


Zebronz ZnowFist

Unemployed India

zhanjunyi xiaozengyu
Souvik Das souviik

Tech Mahindra Gurugram

GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.

Fujian Economic School China,Fujian

Ben ben854719
Hello, I am Ben. I enjoy coding and creating new application in software and AI.

Upwork Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Nelson epcellic

Hopping to start it😋 China

Łikhon Sheikh sheikh-developer
Hi, I'm Likhon Sheikh | Developer & Author | @likhonsheikhcodes & @likhonsheikh54 | Part of @likhon-dev | Contributing @RektDevelopers ‼️

Khulna, Bangladesh

Libin Rahman rahmanlibi47
Full Stack Developer | Python | RAG | DevOps

Bangalore, India