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Marcello DeSales marcellodesales
M.S. in C.S. from California State University at San Francisco @2009, B.S. in C.S. from Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil @2002, OSS Engineer

Viasat San Diego, California, USA

AI in PM ai-in-pm
Influencing AI in Project Management.
Gabriel Sandu Gabrieliam42
Passionate about programming and technology, continuously researching and improving.

Romania, Europe

Takuya Takuya-Miyazaki
Takuya Miyazaki origin.

Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Steve J. s4parke

Central Florida

Riley sadminriley
Startup builder with a passion for SRE, automation, and finance. Senior Reliability Engineer at @prototek-mfg and Founder of @stacksecurehq

@stacksecurehq Denver, Colorado, Planet Earth

Gazi Dizdaroğlu gazidizdaroglu
Platform & Infrastructure Engineer


Isaac Hernán Isaaker
Spanish 🇪🇸 |  Apple | 💻 Owner of | 🌐 Open Source | Cibersecurity 🛡️| 🛫 Aviation

@Ramshackle-code España / Spain

Robert Jasiński robjas-rel
Adv. Security Engineer (AppSec)

Relativity ODA Poland

Takahiro Tsuruda dulltz
(Cloud|Security) Engineer

Nikkei Tokyo

Prasanna Aravindan prasanna7401
Cloud Security Engineer | Master of Cybersecurity SFU'25

Cavallo Technologies Inc. Burnaby, BC

C#, .NET, Azure, Azure DevOps, GitHub
zhk78 26334791
As a passionate coder, I, zhk78 excels in Java, C/C++, Python, actively contributing to the tech world through event participation.
Philip von Wielligh Flipmonster
All about the small things.

Bird Netherlands

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jan Kott boostvolt
Software Engineer, Tech Lead @stgallerkb

@stgallerkb Switzerland

GologicJefte jeftes4ntos
"Eu sou apenas um rapaz, latino-americano, sem dinheiro no banco, sem parentes importantes e vindo do interior."
Gheorghina gheorghina
Passionate Software Engineer. Fell in love with Elixir, did C#. Eager to learn new things while dragging others in the process

none Berlin, Germany

Dominic Allemann otakuu

GetYourGuide Solothurn, Switzerland

Ariell Onay Onay931


Fabio P Molliet fabiomolliet
Security Engineering


Radu Moldovan-Duse radu-md
Senior Developer

Avaelgo Oradea

Didier A. E. Gabiam diempi
Old Web2 Dev turning Web 3 Dev - Chocolate and Japanese Green Tea Adorer


Alex Ross rossey
Platform Lead @ Passenger

Passenger Europe

Beata HIDVEGI hidvegib
#WomanInTech I Dreamer I Believer I Warrior I Foodie I

NOV Norway

Erhan ÜRGÜN erhanurgun
Laravel | AdonisJS | Back-End Developer

@orizora TURKEY

Benjamin Y. benjaminyzg
Background in Computer Engineering, Specialization in Neural Network, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Advocate of Google Solutions. Ex-NTU, SGP Singapore, Central

Stefan Petrovic steff-petro
DevSecOps Engineer @solidify

Solidify Madrid, Spain

Solomon Himelbloom TechSolomon

University of Alaska Fairbanks (@uaf-cs) Alaska

Jeya Seelan jeyaseelans86
JS | Pwning Humans

Zoho India

Bjoern Stuetz ybiyrit
'Change the company, or change the company.'

DHBW Stuttgart, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG @porscheofficial Stuttgart, Germany