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Born in 1990| Like dark shots| Sound Digger| Beatmaker| Emcee #lofi #hiphop #boombap ⠀ realshit beats from 90s 🤙🏿


Benjamin Funke BJNFNE
I love Reverse Engineering and reimplementing.


Yaniv Y4niv
Code/Technology/Science/Video Games lover!
Edmundo Ruiz Ghanem edmundito
I'm an experienced front-end software engineer with a background and interest in indie video games.

Clickpulp, LLC Philadelphia / Filadelfia

now_its_dark now-its-dark
interaction designer, artist, music maker; obsessed with studying the methods for creation and delivery of audio, visual and interactive works.
Ethan Minja Ethan-Bit-256
print("Hello World...")


Joshua Ng nessarus
I program things.
Paddy PMTabs

Northern Ireland

Zishan Rahman Zishan-Rahman
I ̶i̶s̶ was Graffarts. I like games. I have my own website. I'm one of @kevinlano's PhD students. And I contribute to @flathub sometimes.

King's College London (again) Whateverland, London, United Kingdom

Benjamin Stanley HeadClot
Software developer

Utah, United States

Alejandro Ojeda-Celis Digiyumon
👋 Hi, I'm Alejandro, a soon-to-be Computer Science graduate. Passionate about software/game development and always eager to learn!
J Isaac Gadient jisaacgadient
aspiring gamedev who literally knows NOTHING about coding (yet)

Madison, WI

Steve stevebrown0804
probably not the one you're looking for.

JST - 17

Julthep Nandakwang julthep

CyberArts Co. Ltd. Bangkok Thailand

Just a person who likes games and computers.


Wei Jiun WeiJiunLim
The Dancing Engineer - where common sense meets nonsense! :P Self taught game designer, Code Mercenary for hire! Godot Engine :)

Dar Papaya England

Xander Wardell Prestophobia
Junior Developer at Stardock Entertainment

Stardock Plymouth, Michigan

leek AnnoyedLeek
I've moved to Codeberg. Death to Microsoft.
Emil Vågstedt emilknievel
Doing .NET stuff as a software engineer @mio-ab as my "9 to 5". Love me some of that FOSS. And Emacs of course.

@mio-ab Sweden

Jared Mathes j-mathes

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Larson T. Lrs121
Migrating back to selfhosted git.


Brenden St. Juste BSJ64
Computer Science major