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Michael Micha1207
Coding, Linux, RPi & Arduino!!

Nysa, Opole voivodeship, Poland 🇵🇱

dam damakathemaker
design tech for good | generative, gaming, music, ai, python, swift and web !

XXII Paris

Devika Chandran D Devikachandran04
👩‍💻 IT Engineering Student 💡 Future Tech Enthusiast 🎓 Pursuing B.Tech in IT Engineering | 💻 Languages: Python | Java | C


Abdullah Mahmood abdullahau

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

雪晴 MTop-iun


Artyom Gevorgyan gevorgyana [email protected] for work related stuff.

Student Ukraine

Bartek.Sypki Baartek57548
Student informatyki - Uniwersytet Pomorski


Tassilo701 tassilo701

Singapore & Germany

Ramona Fuchs raexune
36 | vienna, austria

Vienna, Austria

nelbta nelbta
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

阿巴阿巴家的迷你3Pro AgoniTang

There are mang mountatins

Mint kishism
Computer Science Student.
David Agámez DavidApril
The limit of growth is our ability to do something useful with our ideas.

Kleyson Carreira kleyson-carreira
Apaixonado por tecnologia desde os 14 anos, comecei minha jornada na programação e empreendedorismo em 2013. Hoje, atuo como Full Stack Developer...

@ZapYou, @IPOG-Sao-Paulo, @Espaco-Paulista Brazil

Kin kyriosaa

Taipei, Taiwan