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Lesley Duff dataquine
Senior developer now seeking employment in data related role. Graduate of @codeclan DR22 cohort in Professional Data Analysis.

Glasgow, Scotland

Bijesh Mishra bijubjs
Applied Economist || Data Scientist || Postdoc || R, Python, Stata, SQL, SAS || ML & AI || Spatial and Non-spatial Econometrics ||

Auburn University Auburn, AL

fellow traveller no the cosmic plane.
Eric Gallager cooljeanius
Help, the older computers of my collection are still broken! Please send repairspeople.

NH House of Representatives New Hampshire

George GeorgeKontsevik
I try to do research.

World citizen

Tschanu tschanu


Ali Abbas usr110
Data Scientist and Transport Modeller

MRC-Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Tim Tang tanghaifeng
life is colorful

nil undefind

Leandro Leandro-93
Urbanista y Analista de Datos. Me dedico al análisis de problemáticas sociales con un enfoque analítico 📊 🗺️

Data Science Consultant Arg

Nel M. Betancur nelbetancur
art & architectural historian

National University of Colombia

Dan Clawson clawson
Geek and sometimes dishwasher.
Marc von Gernler Maelphes
Information specialist at University of Bern.

University of Bern Bern, Switzerland

Agata Piffer Braga AgataPB

UmassD United States - Massachusetts

Thi Thien Uyen Tran uyentttran

University of Bonn Bonn, Germany

Peter Ott ottpeter
I'm a software developer interested in decentralized technologies.

Zelma Corp World

Ahmed Unshur ahmedunshur
Data Scientist. Psychologist. Open Science Advocate. Certified Carpentries Instructor. Passionate about the Intersection of Human Behavior and Technology.

Mogadishu, Somalia

John Clema JohnClema
Student of Psychology @uwa | Intern @PawseySC | Software Engineer @IncrementalSystems

@IncrementalSystems Perth, Noongar Boodja, Australia

Alejandro Villegas alevllgs
Data Scientist | Ingeniero Comercial | Desarrolador Fullstack | Magister en Gestión Estratégica en Salud.

Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Oriente Santiago, Chile

Jairo Antonio Melo Flórez jairomelo
Digital Humanities Research Facilitator at UCSB :: Digital Historian :: Data Analytics :: Learning Technologies

@UCSB @UCSB-Library-Research-Data-Services @neogranadina @imaginingfutures @UCSB-AMPLab Santa Barbara, CA

Julia Gschwend gschwend
Data scientist with a Physics and Astronomy background working with software development focused on big data analysis tools for astronomers.

@linea-it @LSSTDESC Rio de Janeiro

jay DSzshine
developer of many things thoughtful

jsi canada

Mir Junaid mirjunaid26
Scientific Computing Consultant (AI/HPC)

University of Duisburg-Essen Cologne Bonn Region, Germany

Abu Saadat SAADAT-Abu
A bio technician turned bioinformatician working as a PhD Student in the group of Prof Andrea Riccio at university of Campania, Italy.

University of Campania Italy

Kiefer anchovy-alders0w

Washington, D.C.

Martin Gengenbach martinjgen

National Library of New Zealand Wellington, NZ