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Aiden Pryor aidenpryor

@wealthsimple Toronto, Canada

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Matthew Winter wintermi
Head of Engineering @ Prophet. All views are my own.

@Google @GoogleCloudPlatform Melbourne, Australia

(老外) doug nullniverse
我们在知识的海洋里求索。Vassal @ TCS LLC

特贸 Cyber Remote

Bayram OZKAN bayram-ozkan
DevOps Engineer | Cyber Security Researcher
Ricardo A. Reyes RicardoAReyes
Senior Enterprise Solutions Engineer, Public Sector @ Chainguard Washington, D.C.

Aburrá Space aburraspace
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

Chandra Katragadda cpkatragadda
DevOps/Cloud Engineer

Charlotte, USA

Lawrence Lockhart lawrencedcodes
Illuminating the Coding Paths | Java Spring | Python Flask | HTML CSS Sass Bootstrap | Javascript Jquery

Vaadin Olive Branch, Mississippi

Adam Roper roperscrossroads
Linux | Kubernetes | AI | CICD | Infra Platforms & Infrastructure Specialist

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Ioan Luca ioanluca

London, UK and Bucharest, RO

Josh Habdas vhscom
Open source and synthesizers. Stack Overflow mod. Former Principal Software Engineer. Digitally nomadic.

Self Employed Florida, USA

Troy Fitzwater troyfitzwater

Corning Museum of Glass Corning, NY

Socheat Sok socheatsok78
🇰🇭👨🏻‍💻 Software Engineer ❤️ web technologies & systems languages.


Sarthak0714 sarthak0714
Backend Wizard

Mumbai, India

Sujal Gupta heysujal
SWE at Accenture | Ex- CausalFunnel | Ex- SkyGoal


Raziel Anarki razielanarki

psionic-host Budapest, Hungary

Kostandyan Eric hamman3223
:shipit: 🔎 Application Security 🔗 🔎 Smart Contract Audit 🔩 🔌 Software Development
Ken Livesey plantdink
Cloud Engineer | Cloud Operations | Site Reliability

Chigasaki, Japan

Yash Pimple YashPimple
Engineering @chainguard-dev | CNCF Ambassador | Contributor @keptn | DevOps🥑 and Cloud-native ☁️| AWS community Builder | Co-Organizer @Cloud Native Thane |


Shane Dell shanedell
Software Engineer


Evair Marinho evairmarinho
Cloud Computing ☁️ | AWS | DevOps 💻 🔧

Itaú Unibanco São Paulo, Brasil

Rick Bowen rrrix
Hacking on zsh, K8s, Go & GCP. Linux grey-beard (sans beard). I really like DevOps, Security and 10GbE.

Palo Alto Networks Saratoga, CA