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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Mykhailo Marynenko 0x77dev
s/w & h/w engineer; passionate about AI/ML, security research & projects fusing tech, art, & human interaction.

CTO @osventuresllc Los Angeles, CA, USA

Erick Lopez er-lo
Back End Engineering Intern

BizzyCar Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Billy Rigdon billyrigdon
Software Developer

Clevyr Piedmont, OK

David Chaney drchaney
Future-forward, consumer-centric, hyphen-motivated problem-solver.
Matthew Williamson mattclevyr
CEO at Clevyr, Inc.

Clevyr, Inc. US

Arti Hunt Arti-McArtFace
Just a chaos gremlin with big dreams of chaos

Oklahoma City

Dakota Solis INIKITS
My name is Dakota! I'm a web developer, musician, and goober.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Kimberly Collins kacollins
I go by Kimberly! I'm a C#/SQL Server developer with 19 years of experience.

Oklahoma City, OK

Erich Keil zenlex
Full Stack Developer, Problem Solver, Collaborator, Craftsman, Teacher, Student.

zenlexltd Tulsa, OK

Cal CalCorbin
Software Engineer

O'Reilly Media Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

John Carmack clevyrjohn

Clevyr, Inc. Oklahoma City, OK