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Nordine Khalfoun nordinekhalfoun
🇫🇷 Work as IT Manager

nlsi France

Jesse.Liu superpics
should be a coding artist …

超图 China

Rubens Franco francomile
Senior Systems Engineer | DevOps. Solutions Engineer at @varnish

@varnish Spain

Matthew Hadden flanzipit
Just Browsing learning loving

Self Antarctica

نجاح XZhair
اعرف نفسك

Brayen P. Unrated

Sebastian W. sWineck

Berlin, Germany

Marc Schraepler marcschraepler
Tech enthusiast, digital marketing nerd, proud dad, husband, dj.


Phil Chu technicat
Just archives and temporary forks here, and the occasional bug report. My active repos are on Codeberg and GitLab. I am not your Copilot.

Technicat LLC Earth

Joao Conti Contii
Computer Science Student UTFPR-MD

Paraná - Brasil

Kira Pracht prachtkira
Data & Process Analyst

Siegen - Germany

J jjhny2a
Just loving coding. Absolutely fantastic and enthralling to see the creativity of these programmers. Great.

Melbourne, Australia

Kumar Akshat iaxat
Coder | Philosophy | Psychology | Travel | Music

Intel Corporation Hillsboro, Oregon

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Karthik Nair realKarthikNair
Trying to meet my compiler's expectations | Average *NIX / OSS Enjoyer


Frederic Roggon CodeAdminDe
Open to new challenges #pride #admin #dev #linux #docker #php

Hamburg, Germany

Andy Kish KishCom
From plugs in the wall, to the user facing frontend, and literally all the hard/firm/soft-ware in between: I embody the meaning of "full stack developer"

Captain Dashing Web Works Toronto, Ontario

SHH, quiet... this will destroy you. SHHSSH
¿ LexRank Journalist Æ Houdini Heuristic œ Dysfunctional Artist ¤ Rx Analyst -So busy, noone sees "it".
Florian Schlachter flosch
Computer scientist with interests in compilers/programming languages, security & privacy, hardware architectures, networking and web development.

Schlachter Informatik GmbH Dresden, Germany


Swansea, Wales

Michał Mścichowski mscich
Oracle APEX PL/SQL Developer


Kristian Dogmeat2000
Software Technology Engineering Student
Flávio Marta CallMeFlanby

Rostock, Germany, European Union

Mattia Nicolella Nick1296
Computer Science PhD student at Boston University. Linux fan.

@BU-Cyber-Physical-Systems-Lab Chieti, Italy

Schlienger Patrick SchliengerPatrick
Technicien systèmes et réseaux

CSM France

Robert Gannon DoomRob
Junior Software Developer | Web Developer | Technical Support

Ballynum Job Centre, Work Employment Enterprise (WEE) Glasnevin, Dublin

Pablo VA3HDL
Connecting with people, building relationships, sharing and seeking advice.
Atrax atraxsrc

ʕ•̫͡•ʔ °

Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutoshbro
I'm Big brother ,Developer ,Designer ,Teacher ,Learner

TechWithAashubro Nepal